Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Accck! What happened to my cyber send?



Sorry all. I am a Model T in a Lexus world. Dana

Coming November 10th


I'm excited to report that Pi and the slightly married Twenty Four Hour Man is going to be released on November 10th! Dana Mentink

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hello from Maggie Toussaint

I'm new to The Wild Rose Press, so new I don't know the first thing about my book coming out! I know I wrote it (& rewrote it), but that's about it. It's due for a new title and an editor comb-through. I'm excited to be here, very excited that my romantic suspense will be in readers' hands before too much longer. Heck I'm just plain old excited! And I want to tell you a bit more about myself.

Are you a fan of Daylight Savings Time? I'm not. Twice a year I have to reset my biological clock, as well as all the house clocks and the car clock. I never know when to eat, so my brain sends out the signal to eat at every opportunity - not a good message to send out to someone who loves chocolate as much as I do. I'm worried that my negative attitude towards the time change shows that I'm morphing into - my Grandmother.

Another thing that's been on my mind of late is taking care of elderly adults. It seems that there is a fine line between overstepping your bounds and minding your own business. I have a mind that likes to take apart puzzles, but this isn't always a good thing when the puzzle is a relative's life, a relative who is hanging onto his/her dignity by a slim spider web. I hope for courage to know when to step in and when to keep my mouth shut.

I'm not a very good housekeeper. In fact, house work always falls to the bottom of my to-do list. If there are any tasks that aren't related to dusting, vacuuming, cleaning, etc, they tend to get done first. I also have an aversion to bugs being in my house. I like them outside just fine, but when they come inside my house, this means war! I'm a great bug squisher.

Okay. Enough odd facts about me. Hopefully I'll have some real book news soon to post.

Maggie Toussaint

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I Have a Cover!

I'm Excited!
It's always so energizing to see my covers. Makes me feel legitimate as a writer and gives me tremendous satisfaction for my work. I was pleased to find out this story, Cinderella Tannenbaum, will be released in mid-November.
I've always loved the month or so before the holidays crank up into full swing and the stores play worn-out Christmas music while shoppers grab scary masks and candy corn off the shelves. One thing to remember - Candy corn is a vegetable. Keep telling yourself that and you won't feel nearly as bad when you shove a handful into your mouth!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Stress, Thy Name is Woman!

Why do women think we can do it all? And when we have a hard time getting it all perfect, what's the result? STRESS! I think I've set myself up in this position where I have to be the one who reminds everyone of what they have to do: Do your homework, brush your teeth, take out the trash, and a million other commands. I think I need a Mommy telling me what to tell them sometimes! Right now I'm juggling plans for my daughter's upcoming Bat Mitzvah, a houseful of out of town guests, ordering food for the parties, family events, getting my own family outfitted. Aside from all the peripheral things that go with that event, I'm sucking in a deep breath and plunging into the role of President of my local Romance Writers chapter. Then I have to fit in a part-time job, all my writing/critiquing responsibilities and plan for an out of town trip to help my parents move a week after the Bat Mitzvah! Oh, yeah - then there's the holiday shopping I've yet to start. No wonder my heart's beating a mile a minute.
The bright spot right now is going to be the time I spend with friends and family. And the writing gives me lots of pleasure. I've just sold another short story to The Wild Rose Press - a holiday piece titled, Cinderella Tannenbaum. I know I'll come through this super-busy time a stronger person with a few more gray hairs. No problem - I'm still at the plucking stage with them!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just Released Yesterday...

I'm so excited about this Halloween story because it was such fun to write. It's a sweet romance with two strongly opinionated characters. But sometimes opposites attract...
If you like to smile and you love romance popping up where you least expect it, I think you'll enjoy reading this one.
Thanks to RJ for the perfect cover, and to Leanne for her wonderful editing guidance.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

New Kid in Town

Hi Everybody. Thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Dara Edmondson and I'm one of The Wild Rose Press' Premiere Spring Bouquet contest winners so you'll be seeing my Scarlet Rose Rosette, Desert of Desire, early next year. I have two other ebooks out with another publisher and a print book scheduled to be released in February.

I'm from Sunny Florida and I have 2 kids, 2 cats, 2 birds, but only one husband! Please visit my website and say hello. It's: www.daraedmondson.com

I hope to bring many more stories and full-length manuscripts to The Wild Rose Press soon. Please come say hi this coming Sunday, October 22 at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/eBookLove/ where I'll be hosting an author day from 10 am to 3 pm. So come by, win a prize, even a book.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Game's Afoot

Hello all you literary lovers! It's time to play Name That Author. I'm talking famous authors here people, not my great aunt Betty's cousin's step father who self published a pamphlet on making balloon animals. Come by my website for a chance to test your mettle and win a gift certificate. I'll have a Wild Rose book to give away soon, but for now, you'll have to settle for Starbucks. The game's afoot! Dana


Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Long Thin Veil is for sale!

My All Hallow's Eve story titled The Long Thin Veil was released yesterday at The Wild Rose Press! Woo hoo! It's published in the Faery Rose Line as a Miniature Rose so if you like magical stories this is the one for you!

Special thanks to RJ Morris for the cover, and to Amy Herald for being such a great editor. :)


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

L. Rosario interview!!

Thursday, October 5th at MIDNIGHT MOON CAFE!!!
Stop in, leave a comment, and enter for a chance to win a copy of one of L's erotic vampire romances!!!