Monday, December 17, 2012

5 Stars and a Top Pick Review from Night Owl Romance Reviews!

5 Stars and a Top Pick Review from Night Owl Romance Reviews!

"Ms. McBride didn’t disappoint with this story and I highly recommend it. The author has a smooth, flowing writing style that’s a pleasure to read ..."  For the rest of the review: 

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Free on Kindle for a limited time!

Free on Kindle for a limited time! Pick up your copy today.
Great Romances from The Wild Rose Press

Product Details

A Good Man for Katie by Marie Patrick (Kindle Edition -Oct 27, 2012) - Kindle eBook

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An Unexpected Gift by Katherine Grey (Kindle Edition -Oct 27, 2012) - Kindle eBook

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All In The Game (Dearly Beloved) by Virginia Crane (Kindle Edition -Nov 3, 2012) - Kindle eBook

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Secrets By Necessity by Jane Drager (Kindle Edition -Oct 27, 2012) - Kindle eBook

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Wilda's Outlaw by Velda Brotherton (Kindle Edition -Oct 27, 2012) - Kindle eBook

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Wraith Redeemed by Melissa Fox (Kindle Edition -Oct 27, 2012) - Kindle eBook

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Jenny Cussler's Last Stand by Bess McBride (Kindle Edition -Oct 27, 2012) - Kindle eBook

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Hywela Lyn: Release of Kiss Of Death by Sharon Donovan, and a very specal guest

Hywela Lyn: Release of Kiss Of Death by Sharon Donovan, and a very specal guest

I am so excited about the release of 'Kiss Of Death', the last book written by my dear friend, the late Sharon Donovan.  Read a special interview with her lovely editor The Wild Rose Press's Lori Graham, with a chance to win a download of this wonderful Christmas themed romantic suspense.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Falling in love beneath the Italian sun

Imagine a lazy summer's day in a sleepy Italian fishing village. A shadow falls across you. You look up ... into the face of the most beautiful man you've ever seen.

This is exactly what happens to Isobel Harrington. It's the early 1920s, and skirts and hair might be a little shorter than before the war, but Isobel has never been beyond the confines of her rigid world before, and she's certainly never met a man like Stefano before.

Will she be brave enough to embark on an illicit love affair with the man who awakens the passion inside her, or will she find happiness with the man her parents want her to marry?

Read An Innocent Abroad from The Wild Rose Press now to find out.

This novella is also available from Barnes & Noble, All Romance eBooks, Amazon and Amazon UK.

To win a copy of An Innocent Abroad, visit The Minxes of Romance today.

* * *

An Innocent Abroad is a coming of age story set on the Amalfi coast of Italy in the early 1920s.

Fresh from finishing school, Isobel Harrington is sent to spend the summer in Italy with cousins in order to catch the eye of the eligible Hon. Christopher Barrett.

But rather than Christopher, it is enigmatic Italian Stefano who awakens Isobel's sensuality, and who introduces her to the daring new idea that anything is possible, if only you want it enough.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"The Next Big Thing" Blog Hop: "Jenny Cussler's Last Stand"

Welcome to my "stop" on "The Next Big Thing" blog hop.  And thank you to my writing (and real life...though long distance) friend, Jane Richardson, for tagging me to participate.  In turn, I've asked some of my writing friends, Donna MichaelsSusan Macatee, and Victoria Pitts-Caine to participate, and they'll be posting their "The Next Big Thing" on November 21st.
"The Next Big Thing" is a ten-question and answer discussion blog in which we discuss...yes! the next big thing we're working or recent releases.  In my case, I just found out that my February 2013 release from The Wild Rose Press, "Jenny Cussler's Last Stand," was released early to for a three-month exclusive in their Kindle program, so I'd like to talk about that book.  

Question 1:  What is the working title of your book?
As you can see, the title is "Jenny Cussler's Last Stand."  It's a contemporary romance  between a Native American social worker who grew up on a reservation and a European-American social worker who grew up in the city.  The title is a variation of the term Custer's Last Stand.
Question 2:  Where did the idea come from for the book?
Some years ago, I went to a Native American Veteran's awareness camp sponsored by the Yakama Nation in Washington State.  The camp was set deep inside the reservation, high on the slopes of Mount Adams.  For one glorious week, I was surrounded by handsome Native American men and beautiful Native American women, the traditions, the gathering and story telling around the community campfire at night, the spiritualism and sensuality (to me) of the sweat lodges, the beauty of the remote camp with clear starry skies, the ceremonial drumming and dancing at pow wow, and the generosity and good humor of the Native Americans who told their individual Veteran stories and guided us toward a better understanding of Native American culture.  And a story was born...  :-)
Question 3:  What genre does your book fall under?
"Jenny Cussler's Last Stand" is a contemporary romance.  I am partial to time travels, or any story with a bit of historical element to it, but I just had to tell this story, and in a way, it feels historical in that the traditions and practices of the Native Americans in the camp really haven't changed all that much in the last hundred years.  Some things are done as they've always been done--the ceremonial drumming and dancing, the sweat lodges, the culture of oral histories.
Question 4:  Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Hmmm...  Interesting question!  I don't actually ever use actors to portray my characters when I'm writing the stories.  In fact, I request that my publisher/cover artist NOT put faces on my book covers so that readers can make up their own beloved faces.  So, I don't have any particular actors in mind for the parts.  
Question 5:  What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Against his better judgment, Native American social worker, Clint Hastings, an advocate for veterans on his reservation, falls for Jenny Cussler, a non-Indian city girl, who doesn't think she can ever leave the city for life on the reservation.
Question 6:  Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
"Jenny Cussler's Last Stand" is published by The Wild Rose Press.
Question 7:  How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Aha!  Let me check my notes.  Thank goodness the computer keeps track of that sort of thing!  It looks like it took me about eight months.
Question 8:  What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I'm afraid I can't compare it with any other books in my genre.  I'm not aware of any quite like this one.
Question 9:  Who or what inspired you to write this book?
I'll be honest, like a lot of gals, I've always had a fascination with Native American men...  In fact, I actually met and fell in love with a half Native American man I met at the camp...  And we are still together nine years later!  :-)  Although he was born on the reservation, he grew up away from the reservation, and refers to himself as an "urban Indian."  I took the romance once step further, established conflict, and developed a love story from a traditional Native American man who works on behalf of his people, and who is torn by his love for a non-Indian city girl who cannot imagine living on a reservation for the rest of her life.  
Question 10:  What else about this book might pique the reader's interest?
Many of my readers seem to enjoy my descriptions of scenery, locale and setting.  I hope I've captured the mysticism, the Native American spirituality, the glorious beauty of the surroundings of the camp on the slopes of Mount Adams, an active volcano, in the Cascade Range of Washington State.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked past her to see Gary positioning his vehicle at the exit of the parking lot while he waited for passengers and vans to sort themselves out in a caravan.  One short woman with striking red hair jumped out of one of the vans and ran toward the building.  Her fellow passengers signaled her to hurry as the vehicle moved into the lineup. 
     Clint brought his attention back to Celia.  “Didn’t you come in a van?”  He searched for Celia’s vehicle.  The side doors of the government vehicle were open and the passengers gazed at Celia expectantly.
     “Welllll, yessss, but it’s so crowded in there.  Can’t I ride up with you, Clint?” 
     He swore she literally batted her violet eyes at him.  Blue eyes had never been his thing.  He sighed.  Good manners were though.  His grandmother had made sure of that.  But still...he didn’t want to ride with her for an hour.
     “Well, I wish I could give you a ride, Celia, but I’ve already got a passenger, and there’s no more room.  The back is filled with bags and equipment.”
     “Oh, really?  Well, maybe this other person could ride in my van?”  Celia looked around for the mysterious passenger, and Clint knew he’d better act fast. 
     “Gee, I think that’s probably asking too much.  Listen, I’ve got to go round the passenger up, so I’ll see you up at the camp.”
     He swung around and head back toward the building.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Celia heading dejectedly back toward her van. 
     With a vague plan to hide inside for a few minutes, he strode up the sidewalk and pulled open the door.  Attached to the knob on the either side was the short redhead who came flying out the door and landed against Clint’s chest. 
     Clint reached to steady her, and she backed off immediately.           
     “Excuse me!  I’m sorry.  I didn’t know anyone was on the other side of the door.”  She looked up at him with widened chocolate brown eyes that caught him by surprise.  Her freckled cheeks stained a rosy red, and she dropped her eyes to his feet.
     “No, I’m sorry.  I was just dashing in to get something...”  Clint slid a quick look toward the parking lot.  Celia waited by the side of her van, watching him.
     “Well, excuse me, I’ve got to catch my ride.”
     “Listen, I’ve got an extra seat in my rig.  I’m bringing up the rear.  Your van looks crowded and hot.  And they’re already pulling out.”
     She turned to see that indeed her van was moving behind the lead vehicle.  The door remained open and several arms signaled for her to run.
     “I can still catch them...”  She prepared to run, but Clint caught her arm in desperation.
     “Please ride in my SUV,” Clint begged.  “I’m trying to avoid giving someone a ride.  Please...  I’m not being a creep or trying to pick you up or anything.” 
     She looked at her arm, then up into his eyes.  He let all the desperation he felt show as he flicked a glance toward the watching Celia.  She followed his eyes.  Clint dropped his hand, completely ashamed he had manhandled her.
     “Oh, is that...?  Are you...?  Does she want to ride up with you?”
     “Yes, yes, that’s it.  I can’t...  Help me.”  He couldn’t keep the childish desperation from his voice.
     A twitch started at one corner of her mouth, and a dimpled peeked out from the side of her chin.  She lifted one arm and waved to her van to signal them to move on.  They slammed the side door shut and drove away. 
     “Okay, my good man, lead on.”  Her curvy lips widened to a grin.  A twinkle in her eye caught his attention.
     “Thank you, thank you.  I owe you.”  He strode toward his vehicle and lifted a casual hand in Celia’s direction.  She climbed into her van with a shrug, and the vehicle moved into the slow moving line.
     “No problem.  I’m game.  I was tired of riding in that hotbox anyway.”
     “Good.  I’ve got air conditioning.  My name is Clint Hastings, by the way.”  He reached out to shake her hand before he opened the passenger door.  She slid into the gray cloth upholstered vehicle. 
     “Not Grey Eagle or Running Bear?” she murmured.
     He paused and leaned on the open door for a moment with a grin.  “Nope.  Looks like I’ve got some white folks in the woodpile somewhere.”  He chuckled. 
     He crossed around to the front of the vehicle and climbed in to hear the end of her laughter.  The sound lightened his heart. 
     “So what’s your name?  Sacajawea?”  He stuck his keys in the ignition and started the car.
     “Not likely.  I’m probably the only white person you’ll ever meet who doesn’t claim to have a drop of Indian in them.  My name is Jenny...Jenny Cussler.”
     Clint turned to her with a start.  “Custer!  Custer?”
     Jenny gasped.  “No, Cussler, not Custer.  No, not Custer.  Oh, geez, that would be weird.”
     Clint plastered a grin on his face and relented.  “I heard you the first time.  I just thought I’d tease you a bit.  Custer isn’t such a popular name in Indian country.”  He adjusted the air conditioner and cool air swept into the car. 
     He moved his vehicle into position behind the last of the government vehicles. 
     “So what kind of name is Cussler anyway?”
     “Irish, I think.  What about Hastings?”
     He glanced at her in surprise.  Her eyes continued to twinkle. 
     “Ummm...white, I think.”  Would she laugh again—that warm sound that suddenly made him think this week would be fascinating?  There it was!  The laugh...coming from somewhere deeper than her throat.  Her dark lashed eyes crinkled at the corners as she looked at him.  Celia who?
     Jenny couldn’t believe she was sitting in the front seat of an SUV of a stranger, and a strange Indian at that.  It was not what she had imagined when she awoke at 3:30 that morning to dash over to the VA and catch the government van.  She’d been flabbergasted when the tall, handsome Native American man she’d spied earlier had waylaid her and asked for help.  He certainly didn’t look like he needed her help.
     She tore her eyes from his aquiline bronzed face and fixed them on the slow moving vehicles in front.  They drove through the edge of town and turned south toward the mountain, past extensive fields of hops which were notable for the tall poles which supported the hearty vines. 
     She felt suddenly tongue tied in his presence but forced out the words uppermost in her mind.
     “So, who was that gal?  Was she supposed to ride with you?  Is there a story?”  She cast him a quick sideways glance before returning her gaze to the road ahead.
     “What gal?” 
     His voice resonated with a timbre that captivated her completely.  His evasive answer only deepened his voice.
     “You know what gal!”  She turned a direct gaze on him.  Her lips twitched.  “The beautiful blonde?  Waiting by the van?  The one I saw you talking to earlier?  Hmmmm?”
     The bronze on his cheeks darkened...adorably.  He slid her a quick glance from beneath dark-lashed almond-shaped eyes. 
     “Oh, that one!  Celia.  Did you see me talking to her earlier?  Really?  I saw you run into the building.”
     It was Jenny’s turn to blush.  “Well, nervous bladder, I guess.  Don’t ever tell me I can’ the bathroom for an hour.  I panic.”
     Clint threw back his head and laughed, a deep, husky sound that made her join in. 
     “I see,” he murmured when he caught his breath.  “Well, you’ll be glad to know there’s a rest stop along the way...if you need it.”  He flashed her a mischievous smirk.  A dimple in the middle of his cheek peeped out.  Jenny did her best to keep breathing.  She kept her nose on the scent.
     “Thank you.  Good to know.  So, you were saying?” 
     He threw her a quick glance. 
     “About what?”
     “Oh, Celia.”  Again, color sprang to his dark cheeks.  Jenny chuckled...silently. 
     “Yes, well, she was at the camp last year.  She wanted a ride up to camp.”
     “And you didn’t want to give her a ride?  Why not?”  Jenny figured she’d really never see him again after the week was over.  She could tease him all she liked...and for some reason, she really wanted to tease him. 
     “Well...uh...”  He leaned his left elbow on the driver’s side door and ran a harried hand across the smoothness of his shining black hair.  “I just...she already had a ride.”
     Jenny crossed her arms and regarded him with affectionate suspicion, only vaguely aware that she had fallen under the spell of a man she didn’t even know. 
     “I had a ride.”
     “Well, it looked like your ride was taking off.”
     “They wouldn’t have left without me.  Don’t hedge.  I did you the favor.  What’s the story, Mr. Hastings?”
     Clint opened his mouth and closed it again, revealing an angular jaw line that looked as if it could be quite uncompromising.  In fact, he looked downright mulish for a moment, but to Jenny’s relief, he gave in with a chuckle.
     “No story.  She’s from the Portland VA.  She followed me around a lot last year.  I couldn’t get away from her.”
     “Oh,” Jenny murmured.  She knew the feeling...of wanting to follow him around.  She’d have to watch herself at camp to make sure she didn’t fawn all over him.  He obviously didn’t like to be chased by women.  “She’s very attractive.  Are you married or in a relationship?  I don’t see a wedding ring.”
     “No, no.  I’m not married.”  He threw her a quick look and grinned.  His teeth glowed white against his dark skin.  “I just wasn’ know...”
     “Yes?” she prompted.  She knew how to get information from recalcitrant men.  She did it for a living as a therapist.
     “You know...I wasn’t interested.”  He shrugged, keeping his eyes on the road.  “She’s a nice woman and everything, but...just not my type.”
     “Hmmm...”  Jenny stared at him for a moment, realization suddenly dawning.  Her heart dropped to her stomach.  How could she have been so stupid?  Of course!  “Oh, you probably only date Native American women.  I see.  Well, that explains it.”  She found herself rambling nervously while she tried to dampen her budding crush. 
     She looked out the window to her right but not before she saw Clint swing his head in her direction. 
     “I...uh...—-” Clint began.

Thank you all so much for visiting with me on the blog today.  Don't forget to check in with Donna Michaels, Susan Macatee and Victoria Pitts-Caine next week on November 21st for their "The Next Big Thing."

Friday, October 26, 2012

A Haunted Garden Halloween Hop- Fears and Phobias

Phobias and Fears – Do you have one?

Do you love a good horror film? Will you stay up late reading a dark romance and imagine a vampire coming to steal you into the night? When faced with our fear, the rush of blood can leave you dizzy and the surge of adrenaline can weaken the knees. I love a good scare. So when thinking about this Halloween Hop, I thought it might be interesting to take a look at those sometime irrational phobias that can paralyze us with fear.

Acrophobia is the fear of heights but not to be confused with vertigo, which is a condition of disorientation when looking down from a great height. People with Acrophobia will often refused to climb stairs.

Agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces and is the most common phobia.

Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders, and not just having a spider crawl across the carpet. But people will fear spider webs and pictures of spiders.

Astraphobia is the fear of thunder and lightning, most common in children.

Aviatophobia is the fear of flying and probably one of the most known phobias.

Claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed, tight or small spaces

Entemophobia is the fear of insects. I think many of us hate bugs.

Erythrophobia is the fear of blushing. People with this phobia become very self-conscious which then makes the condition worse.

Nosophobia is the irrational fear of having or developing a disease. If you have this phobia, you’re probably told you’re a hypochondriac by your doctor.

Nyctophobia is the fear of the dark and tends to be a condition for children.

Ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes but if you fear other reptiles then you have herpetophobia. Usually people with these phobia just aren’t afraid of the reptiles and snakes, but also pictures of snakes and even talking about snakes sends a shiver of fear down their spine.

Trypanophobia is the fear of medical injection or medical needles, sometimes to the point of low blood pressure and fainting. However, if you just fear needles than you are known to have aichmophobia.

Zoophobia is the fear of animals. Zoophobia usually develops because of a traumatic experience with an animal.

Is there a phobia or fear, even if it’s made up, that fits you?

Thank you for stopping by A Haunted Garden Halloween Hop. Leave a comment to win a 10.00 Wild Rose Press gift certificate to either or

And please continue to Trick-or-Treat on the Halloween Hop with these Wild Rose Press authors.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Haunted Garden Halloween Hop

Join the authors of the Wild Rose Press for a Halloween Blog Hop. Oct 26 - Oct 31! 

Prize drawings at every stop on the hop so grab your trick or 
treat bag and come along!

 The Participation List…-hop-oct-26-31

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Blog tour for "Across the Winds of Time" by Bess McBride

Wheee!!!!  I'm on a thirty-four blog tour this morning to promote my last release, "Across the Winds of Time," a time travel set in the American Midwest region of Iowa/Nebraska.  Join me!  The list of blogs is available here:

See you there!

Bess McBride

Friday, September 21, 2012

Lo Johnston Writing: Author Interview with Donna Hatch

Today, I'm a guest blogger on Lo Johnston Writing: Author Interview with Donna Hatch: Stop by and win a free copy of my Regency Romance, The Stranger She Married

Thursday, September 13, 2012

SILVER LAKE - Release Day!

My release day is here!  I have to keep pinching myself to believe it’s true.  Today is a huge milestone in a journey that began 4 years ago.  And I say milestone because happily, the journey isn’t over…it’s just different right now.  Promotion is my current focus, as well as beginning the editing process for my second novel, which recently received a contract.

I feel very lucky to be published by the amazing TWRP.  And I’ve found my fellow roses to be welcoming, helpful, and supportive.  Everyone seems to work together to promote our genre and our company. 

We romance authors face a unique challenge in our writing: our readers want and expect a Happily Ever After ending.  That defines our stories as romance.  So it’s up to us to fill each story with enough conflict and tension to keep the pages turning, even when the reader knows things will work out in the end.  That is not always easy! 

My editors at TWRP really helped me perfect the pacing of SILVER LAKE, and so far my readers have dubbed it a page-turner.  I’ve posted the blurb and excerpt below—Happy Reading!


     Rain Anderson can't decide which is more unsettling—encountering the ghost of her missing friend, or reuniting with the man whose love she foolishly rejected. But one thing is certain: the past has come back to haunt her, quite literally.
     Five years ago, Rain's tight-knit group of high school friends unraveled when one vanished during their senior year. Now, a parent's deathbed request has reunited the friends at Silver Lake, including Jason Lansing, the man Rain discarded. Rain and Jason discover the powerful attraction between them has survived, but though Jason is willing to forgive, he can't let himself forget. The possibility of falling for Rain again is too risky.
     Slamming doors, crashing objects, flaring fires—clearly the ghost has a message to share. As Rain and Jason struggle to unravel the truth, they must face a desperate spirit in need of help…and a burning passion that refuses to die.
            “I saw...a figure.  A figure with dark hair, and I think it was Brandy.”  She shuddered and put her forehead back on his chest. 
Reluctantly, he moved their bodies apart a bit and scanned her face.  He held on to her shoulders and asked calmly, “You saw Brandy?  Brandy is here?”
            She shook her head.  “No, I saw… like… an image of Brandy.  I woke up, because it was cold, and I saw something moving.  It was Brandy, I’m sure of it, although I didn’t see her face clearly.  And then she, um, disappeared.”
            “An image of Brandy?  Are you saying you saw a ghost, Rain?”  He was pretty sure she’d had another nightmare, but the way she had flown out of her room gave him the impression it had been an extremely vivid one.
            “I know, it sounds ridiculous.  But that’s what I saw.  And she sort of, well, went through the wall.  I’m sure you don’t believe me,” she added miserably, lifting her stormy eyes to his.
            He pulled her back into a hug before he could stop himself.  “I absolutely believe you.  Whether you were awake or asleep, you saw Brandy and that’s scary.  I don’t think we can deny that weird things are happening here.”

Sunday, August 26, 2012

DEADLY ABANDON book release August 31st!

Fist pump in the air! DEADLY ABANDON is coming to The Wild Rose Press on August 31st. This is the second book in the Shadow Soldier series...

Have you seen the video yet?

Stay tuned and enjoy the steamy, suspense filled ride!

Kallie's website...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

5 Blue Ribbons from Romance Junkies for "Across The Winds of Time"

5 Blue Ribbons from Chrissy Dionne of Romance Junkies for "Across the Winds of Time."

A lovely review!  Thank you so much to Chrissy Dionne.  

Here's just a bit of what she had to say...  :-)

ACROSS THE WINDS OF TIME is an unexpected soul-stirring read that leaves readers believing that nothing can stand in the way of true love - even time itself. Regardless of whether you believe in ghosts, time-travel or other unexplainable events Darius and Molly's love story is one that will fire your imagination and bring a smile to your face as you read about every aspect of their relationship.

For the rest of the review, please go to Romance Junkies at

Thank you, Odyssey!!


Saturday, August 04, 2012


Sharon Donovan was one of Wild Rose’s authors.  Unfortunately, she passed away this year but her characters live on.  In fact, one of her stories has yet to come out.  It is being finished now but we could use your help.

The story, a Crimson Rose, is set in New Orleans and features a dating service.  I would like your help to name the match-making agency.  Here are the possible names:

Fulfilling Wishes
Dreams Come True
Wishes Granted
Happily Ever After
Granting Wishes
Make Me a Match
The Perfect Match
Desired Endings
Search No More
Two Hearts 
Eternal Bonds

Please send your vote in an email to lori (at), putting Matches in the subject line.  In the email body, just type in the name you like.  The one with the most votes will be featured in the story and then one of the people who chose that name will be picked at random to win a free download of the manuscript.

All entries must be to me by noon on August 9th.

What a great way to honor Sharon’s memory and help out with her story.

Lori Graham
Senior Editor
The Wild Rose Press

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Across the Winds of Time review by Siren Book Reviews

Book Review by Nikki at Siren Book Reviews

I try to keep abreast of anything to do with my books by Google Alert, but somehow missed this lovely review done about six months ago.  I'm always thrilled by kind reviews, and this one is especially flattering.

"Across the Winds of Time is one of those stunning time travel stories that makes the reader believe in magic.  .... 
If you're a fan of time travel romances, then I'd suggest getting a copy of Across the Winds of Time.  I want to know what else Ms. McBride has to offer.  I'm a new fan! 

For the rest of the review, please follow this link:

And I must say...I'm a new fan of Nikki's!  Thank you, Nikki!

Bess McBride

Monday, July 09, 2012

Book Trailer How-To

 How To Make A Book Trailer by Nancy J. Cohen

Would you like to be able to create your own book trailer in Windows Movie Maker to save money and to maintain control over your project? If so, be prepared to spend time on a learning curve. The first effort is the hardest, but then you’ll know what to do for subsequent books. Just follow these steps for Windows 7 and you’re on your way. Generally, with images and music, I spend about $70 on a video.


Find trailers for books in the same genre as your work.

Write down the text on each slide and note the image accompanying it or if the text is alone.

Listen to the music. How does it make you feel? Does it create a certain mood?

Does the story flow smoothly and hold your interest? How long is the trailer?

What do the credits say at the end?

Now write your own text in verses to fit on each slide. Try to stay brief, keeping in mind that long lines may tax your reader’s ability to keep up. The text should give the reader an idea of what your story is about, the tone of your work, and a hint about your main character(s).

Let your critique partners offer their suggestions for improvements. Often another critical eye can help you hone down your plot to a few sentences, not an easy task.

Remember the adage: Short and Simple. Keep your video under 2 minutes if possible.


I use: Medium is 564 x 848 px and are 2 credits each. I bought16 medium photos = 32 credits = $30; See my trailers for Shear Murder and Warrior Prince Small is 602 x 900 px at $2.99 each. 6 credits cost $13 and buys 6 small images; 25 credits costs $49 and buys 25 small images) Book Covers for futuristic trilogy Small is 567 × 847 px at 72 dpi and is 5 credits each. 12 credits cost $19.50; 26 credits costs $41.50 but you’re only getting 5 small images.

Establish an account so that you have a Lightbox. In the Search feature, put keywords for the type of picture you want (i.e. romantic couple, beautiful redhead, man with gun). Scroll down until one catches your fancy. Click to add it to your Lightbox. If you like the model, you can click where it says Other Images Using This Model or Similar Images.

Keep collecting images until you have enough to match your lines of text. Then purchase credits, select the photos you want to keep, buy and download them to your computer. Whichever site you use, check the licensing requirements first. Some may require an extended license to use an image on a book cover, coffee mug, etc.


Live action can add spice to a video but it also takes up time.


Besides writing the text, this is the hardest part. Decide upon the tone of your video and put keywords into the search feature on these sites. Is your story dark and scary? Light and funny? Upbeat? Intense? Music is important to soliciting an emotional response in your viewer.

Check the length of the music clip against the length of your trailer. You can repeat the music if necessary to extend its length on your video.

I use $39.95 per track; Pay once, use forever 12 credits = $18.50; 26 credits = $39.50 Easy Samples (pay in English pounds) Don’t see royalty free music Inexpensive but hard to sample Way too costly! $100 and up, $500 for perpetual usage.


Open a New Project in Windows Movie Maker (File; New Project) and click Add Videos and Photos. Add one at a time and the program will produce slides. If you want a blank slide to add text only, click the Credits button.

Once you have your pictures, Click Add Caption for each slide and add your text in the text box. You can manipulate this box wherever you want it. You can also change the color of the text. If it’s a light background, choose a dark text. If you have a black or dark background, make the text white.

You’ll now see Video Tools and Text Tools. These have little boxes where you can see the Duration. I try to have the duration of my text shorter than the video. So a video slide might run for 5 seconds, and the text for 4.75. Some slides you’ll want longer, if you have more text or if you have an image like the book cover that you want to linger on screen. Under Text Tools, choose Effects. This gives you options for how you want your text to scroll or appear on the slide.

Under Video Tools, click on Animation. Position your cursor in front of each slide and click on animation. These choices will allow you to add transitions. Keep in mind that the transitions cut some of the time out of the slide before and after. Each time you want to view your slide, put the cursor in front of it and click the Play button.

When you have arranged your pix and matching text to your satisfaction, click on Home and Add Music. Browse for your music file. The program adds it to your slide show. You can adjust the track as needed. Also, hit Fade In at the beginning and Fade Out at the end.

Add credits at the end by clicking Credits. This will be a text only slide. Here’s where you put the sites where you found your images and music. You’ll also want a slide to show your book cover. Either add text there or on a separate slide with your book info.

Remember to save your project often. Hit File, then Save Project. Don’t hit the button on the right that says Save Movie or it’ll be finalized.

When you are totally done, click Save Movie and choose To Your Computer. It’s then ready to upload to YouTube and elsewhere. For YouTube, save it in HD mode. You can save it in several different sizes, too. For example, if you want to upload a video to LinkedIn, you need it in a very small size.


Watch my Videos:
Warrior Prince:
Shear Murder:

*Note: This post originally appeared on Nancy's Notes from Florida
