Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Run away with the circus!

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Now I know that truth is indeed zanier than fiction. My book, Pi and the Fabulosa (slightly married) Twenty Four Hour Man is in print, available now through Amazon.com. Below is an excerpt and info on a fun new contest to win a basket of goodies. Tootles. Dana

The Excerpt:

My name is Pi, like pineapple. I wasn’t named after the tropical fruit or any of the Boston crème filled varieties but rather for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
My mother was a math professor sprinkled in and amongst her other career as a cocaine addict. It’s a good thing she never had the son she wanted. Hypotenuse would be a hard name to live with.
Bernie was correct, of course. Even as I patted his bald head I knew something was most definitely not right. A whisper of fear circled in my stomach like the fog that swirled above my head. What was going on here? The current string of difficulties was more than coincidence. If I didn’t figure it out soon, I had the uneasy feeling that something bad was going to happen.
Very bad.

The contest: If you ran away with the circus, what would your job be? Drop me an e-mail with “circus” in the subject line. Tell me what circus job would be a fit for you and why. I’ll enter you in a drawing to win a basket full of circus themed goodies. www.danamentink.com

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

How to Save on Christmas Postage

Postage at Christmas time should be calculated into the household budget for December. Between Christmas Cards and boxing up presents to send...whoa, it definitely adds up!

I've got a little help...call it a little inspiration one of Santa's elves whispered into my ear.

Save a bit of postage and, at the same time, send a unique gift to those far away...a gift of reading.

E-books are a fabulous gift to send to those you love. It's something they can enjoy and save to read again and again. They won't gather dust on shelves and picking a special story that means something to your loved one makes them feel special. Every time they read it, they'll think of you.

The Wild Rose Press carries a variety of wonderful romance e-books sure to make anyone's Christmas merry.

Oh, and I just happen to have a suggestion if you are looking for something fun to send...

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With snowballs and sexy cowboys, Reindeer Games is a story about knowing someone forever but suddenly seeing them for the first time.

The annual Reindeer Games between the Holloran and the Nickles families is legendary in their little town of Noelle, Alberta. This year, however, the competition gets kicked up a notch when Jess Holloran discovers winning the games may just mean losing her heart.

What people are saying about Reindeer Games:

"I just finished reindeer games and I loved it. Very feel good, holiday tale. Awesome job."

signed, RG-a new fan :}

I just finished reading Reindeer Games! Great little read! Bravo, girl

Toni Sue

Available now from The Wild Rose Press--Click Here for details!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Contest to celebrate release of Dark Encounter

Dark Encounter, my newest Paranormal Romance story is now available as part of the Black Rose ( paranormal ) line at The Wild Rose Press. http://www.thewildrosepress.com . I am very excited to share this story with everyone! To celebrate the release of Dark Encounter I'm holding a contest at my website: http://laurendela.tripod.com .Drop by and enter to win a sterling silver genuine moonstone pendant. The contest closes December 24, and the winner of the draw will be announced December 31, 2006. I hope that you'll visit soon, and I hope that you enjoy Dark Encounter.
Lauren Delaney

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Christmas Eve Miracle....

It's officially the Christmas Season in the U.S. Stores are crowded, people are decorating their houses and yards, and all radio stations are playing Christmas songs. It's the season when our hearts are aglow with love and the anticipation of bringing smiles to the faces of our loved ones. It's the season of miracles...

My newest release, LIGHTING THE TREE, is about dreams, love, and a miracle delivered by an unlikely Santa. I wrote it hoping to bring a smile to your heart this blessed season.

There are many Christmas stories available at The Wild Rose Press, all written by excellent authors to share with you, our loyal readers. Enjoy!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Time for a Christmas Story!

Excerpt: "Not Your Momma's Reindeer Games" from TRUE TALES OF CHRISTMAS TOWN

Each year, Santa Claus grants each of his children their own special wish for Christmas. In this scene, Noel, who wants to be called Leon and be # 1 on the Naughty List, is playing poker with some of his buddies. His sister, Christmas Spirit known to the family as Krista, has invaded the all male game to try to talk him into using his Christmas wish for peace on earth, rather than the more selfish wish of the new motorcycle he’s decided he wants.

“Not Your Momma’s Reindeer Games”


True Tales of Christmas Town

Unedited, may differ from the final product available December, 2006 from The Wild Rose Press (www.thewildrosepress.com) © 2006 by The Wild Rose Press and Betty Hanawa

“But, Noel, please think about it. If we all wish for peace on Earth this Christmas, maybe Father will have enough magic to make it happen.”

Leon set his cigar down and grabbed the trash can. The retching noises he made echoed in the small room.


“Damn, if I wanted to hear that, I would have stayed home tonight.”

“Does this mean the game is over?”

“Oh, Noel, I hope you’re not coming down with the flu like so many in Christmas Town.”

Krista’s sweet sympathy almost made his stomach turn for real.

“Nope, just your give whirled peas a chance made me sick to my stomach.” He thrust the wastebasket with nothing in it but a couple of beer cans under her face.

She jumped back, then peered inside. She lifted her head and, for a second, Leon saw a flare of anger on his normally unflappable, always sweet sister’s face. Then her smile reappeared and her partially closed fist eased into a pat on his shoulder.

“Your jokes are awful, Noel.” Her laughter pealed like bells.

“Go away, Krista,” Leon repeated. “We’re got a game to concentrate on.”

“Alright, but at least promise me you’ll think about using your Christmas wish to help someone else.”

“Bet,” the dealer said.



“Bet’s to you, Leon.”

“Fine, Krista. I promise. Now will you leave?” Leon shoved a pile of chips into the pot. “Raise.”

Christmas Spirit leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Have a good game. Oh, gee, Noel, you’ve got nothing but pretty hearts in your hand.”

“Fold, fold, fold,” echoed around the table from the other players while Krista gently shut the door behind her.

© 2006 by The Wild Rose Press and Betty Hanawa

Tales From Christmas Town is the story of Santa Claus' adult children and their bumbling quests to find true love. When Santa and all of Christmas Town come down with the flu, his children have to step up and take over the "business". Jack Frost gets involved, a few innocent mortals, and Santa’s motorcycle riding son Noel, who prefers to be called Leon. This four story anthology features authors Roni Adams, Allie Standifer, Bev Oz, and Betty Hanawa.

PRINT ISBN 1-60154-023-X available in ebook from The Wild Rose Press (www.thewildrosepress.com) and in print from Amazon.com

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Here piggy piggy!

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Hi all. It's a bit of Mistletoe Madness available today! Here's a quick blurb to entertain you as you stuff that turkey and mash those potatoes! At the end of the story, there's a recipe to use for your holiday celebrations. Cheers! Dana

What happens to a holiday soiree when a pig crashes the party? And how will caterer Blanca Torres handle things when her almost husband arrives in the wake of the pig? The chance to showcase her catering business turns into chaos as Elf goes on a piggy rampage and rogue Irishman Spencer Brock refuses to accept the demise of his almost marriage to Blanca. It’s a whirlwind of rising attractions and falling frittatas in this delightful holiday tale.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Save a Horse, READ a Cowboy

It's finally out and I can't say how much I love this story...okay, yes it's mine but it was fun to write and funny to read and has a bit of a surprise ending.

Cheatin’ Hearts

When a mysterious Stetson plunked on her head leads Cara North to a chocolate-eyed cowboy, will she find true love or just another lyin’ cheatin’ heart?

Available now from The Wild Rose Press

What People are saying (and no, they aren't related to me LOL):

I loved it! It was cute and funny and surprising and I loved it, hands down loved it.


I love it! I laughed out loud at the husband's comments. It's so real and funny!


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Leigh Barbour's thoughts

Leigh Barbour's thoughts

Leigh, the author of Zebulon from The Wild Rose Press!

Friday, November 10, 2006

So excited!

Really just so excited to see that two of my short stories, Proclamations and For the Love of Grace, have both been released today! They're completely different in theme and tone but you must have guessed that they're both filled with love and romance. I hope they bring a smile to some faces and joy to the hearts of readers everywhere.


The Wild Rose Press

Zowie! It's here! Pi and the Fabulosa (slightly married) Twenty Four Hour man! What a thrill to see it acutally in cyber print!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I Googled my name...

and found another great review on Holding Fast!



Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Proclamations and a hello!

Hi all, this is my first blog on The Wild Rose Press Blog and I'm pleased to be here. I've recently contracted with TWRP for a few short stories. The first to be released is called Proclamations and it'll be available for purchase on Friday, November 10th. It's an American Rose, the story of love amidst the turmoil of the Civil War. A blurb? Oh, sure, I just happen to have a blurb. I'm so glad someone asked! Here goes, a blurb: The War Between the States has been raging for two long years. In Virginia in 1863 Jolene Crane misses her fiancée, Nate, more than words can say. Every moment that she’s not busy taking care of household chores or working at the hospital, she’s consumed by her longing for the man who holds her heart.
When Abraham Lincoln signs a proclamation declaring the fourth Thursday in November a day to be celebrated joyfully and thankfully, Jolene is determined not to celebrate the day. After all, what has she got to be thankful for? And the only proclamations that come to mind have all to do with the losses they’ve suffered and little to do with celebrating.
But when a new wave of soldiers arrives at the hospital on the day before the holiday, Jolene just may find that she does, in fact, have something to celebrate. A cover? Oh, sure, I've got a swell cover, courtesy of RJ! Would you like to see it? Sure, hang on a sec... there you go, that's the cover, up at the top. Isn't it beautiful? So there you have it, my first Wild Rose Press release, available in a few days. And my first TWRP blog, available now. :-) Thanks for letting me chat with you--I hope to do plenty more of it in the future.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Hello from Betsy!

Hello out there! I just read Maggie's post, and I too am a "newbie"! But I'm very excited to join "the garden", as my editor described it. This seems like a great company and I'm an honor to be a part of the author membership. My romantic suspense is due out next year, I'm in the editing stage now, and beyond excited. This is all so much fun, and such a blessing. I hope to get to meet more of my fellow authors very soon!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Anyone hungry?

It's getting cooler -- far from chilly here in central Florida, but the a/c isn't running as much, and the humidity levels are down. Time to think about getting back into the kitchen.

All my characters seem to enjoy cooking or eating (and who doesn't like one or the other?). Because the holidays are here, I'm having a contest about food!

Stop by my website and enter my November contest for some favorite family recipes.

And stop by the Wild Rose Press bookstore to check out my 3 releases: Words, Out of Sight, & Relationships.

Terry Odell

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Who's Up for A Mystery?

Hello all. Stop by my website to try out the November Name That Author game. Win a gift certificate, just in time for the holidays! You can see the lovely Wild Rose covers there too. Dana

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Accck! What happened to my cyber send?



Sorry all. I am a Model T in a Lexus world. Dana

Coming November 10th


I'm excited to report that Pi and the slightly married Twenty Four Hour Man is going to be released on November 10th! Dana Mentink

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hello from Maggie Toussaint

I'm new to The Wild Rose Press, so new I don't know the first thing about my book coming out! I know I wrote it (& rewrote it), but that's about it. It's due for a new title and an editor comb-through. I'm excited to be here, very excited that my romantic suspense will be in readers' hands before too much longer. Heck I'm just plain old excited! And I want to tell you a bit more about myself.

Are you a fan of Daylight Savings Time? I'm not. Twice a year I have to reset my biological clock, as well as all the house clocks and the car clock. I never know when to eat, so my brain sends out the signal to eat at every opportunity - not a good message to send out to someone who loves chocolate as much as I do. I'm worried that my negative attitude towards the time change shows that I'm morphing into - my Grandmother.

Another thing that's been on my mind of late is taking care of elderly adults. It seems that there is a fine line between overstepping your bounds and minding your own business. I have a mind that likes to take apart puzzles, but this isn't always a good thing when the puzzle is a relative's life, a relative who is hanging onto his/her dignity by a slim spider web. I hope for courage to know when to step in and when to keep my mouth shut.

I'm not a very good housekeeper. In fact, house work always falls to the bottom of my to-do list. If there are any tasks that aren't related to dusting, vacuuming, cleaning, etc, they tend to get done first. I also have an aversion to bugs being in my house. I like them outside just fine, but when they come inside my house, this means war! I'm a great bug squisher.

Okay. Enough odd facts about me. Hopefully I'll have some real book news soon to post.

Maggie Toussaint

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I Have a Cover!

I'm Excited!
It's always so energizing to see my covers. Makes me feel legitimate as a writer and gives me tremendous satisfaction for my work. I was pleased to find out this story, Cinderella Tannenbaum, will be released in mid-November.
I've always loved the month or so before the holidays crank up into full swing and the stores play worn-out Christmas music while shoppers grab scary masks and candy corn off the shelves. One thing to remember - Candy corn is a vegetable. Keep telling yourself that and you won't feel nearly as bad when you shove a handful into your mouth!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Stress, Thy Name is Woman!

Why do women think we can do it all? And when we have a hard time getting it all perfect, what's the result? STRESS! I think I've set myself up in this position where I have to be the one who reminds everyone of what they have to do: Do your homework, brush your teeth, take out the trash, and a million other commands. I think I need a Mommy telling me what to tell them sometimes! Right now I'm juggling plans for my daughter's upcoming Bat Mitzvah, a houseful of out of town guests, ordering food for the parties, family events, getting my own family outfitted. Aside from all the peripheral things that go with that event, I'm sucking in a deep breath and plunging into the role of President of my local Romance Writers chapter. Then I have to fit in a part-time job, all my writing/critiquing responsibilities and plan for an out of town trip to help my parents move a week after the Bat Mitzvah! Oh, yeah - then there's the holiday shopping I've yet to start. No wonder my heart's beating a mile a minute.
The bright spot right now is going to be the time I spend with friends and family. And the writing gives me lots of pleasure. I've just sold another short story to The Wild Rose Press - a holiday piece titled, Cinderella Tannenbaum. I know I'll come through this super-busy time a stronger person with a few more gray hairs. No problem - I'm still at the plucking stage with them!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just Released Yesterday...

I'm so excited about this Halloween story because it was such fun to write. It's a sweet romance with two strongly opinionated characters. But sometimes opposites attract...
If you like to smile and you love romance popping up where you least expect it, I think you'll enjoy reading this one.
Thanks to RJ for the perfect cover, and to Leanne for her wonderful editing guidance.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

New Kid in Town

Hi Everybody. Thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Dara Edmondson and I'm one of The Wild Rose Press' Premiere Spring Bouquet contest winners so you'll be seeing my Scarlet Rose Rosette, Desert of Desire, early next year. I have two other ebooks out with another publisher and a print book scheduled to be released in February.

I'm from Sunny Florida and I have 2 kids, 2 cats, 2 birds, but only one husband! Please visit my website and say hello. It's: www.daraedmondson.com

I hope to bring many more stories and full-length manuscripts to The Wild Rose Press soon. Please come say hi this coming Sunday, October 22 at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/eBookLove/ where I'll be hosting an author day from 10 am to 3 pm. So come by, win a prize, even a book.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Game's Afoot

Hello all you literary lovers! It's time to play Name That Author. I'm talking famous authors here people, not my great aunt Betty's cousin's step father who self published a pamphlet on making balloon animals. Come by my website for a chance to test your mettle and win a gift certificate. I'll have a Wild Rose book to give away soon, but for now, you'll have to settle for Starbucks. The game's afoot! Dana


Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Long Thin Veil is for sale!

My All Hallow's Eve story titled The Long Thin Veil was released yesterday at The Wild Rose Press! Woo hoo! It's published in the Faery Rose Line as a Miniature Rose so if you like magical stories this is the one for you!

Special thanks to RJ Morris for the cover, and to Amy Herald for being such a great editor. :)


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

L. Rosario interview!!

Thursday, October 5th at MIDNIGHT MOON CAFE!!!
Stop in, leave a comment, and enter for a chance to win a copy of one of L's erotic vampire romances!!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I just got a cover!

(Sung to the tune of "We just got a letter" from Blues Clues.)

I am so very excited about this book, which will be a Yellow Rose, and released in time for the holidays. I'm also thrilled about being at WRP at such an exciting time. One day we'll be able to say, "Oh, we were with them when they were a brand-new publisher..."

I'm an urbanite myself, but I do love cowboys. Always had a thing for John Wayne, even though he was an old man when I was little. I visited Wyoming as a kid, and was blown away by the beauty of it. I knew, one day, I'd write stories about that place. So here it is, finally! Allison is afraid of love, so she had planned a very logical, rational marriage. When she discovered that her fiance was already planning to cheat, she ran away, into the teeth of a Wyoming blizzard. She winds up snowed in on the Crazy H with hunky rancher CJ Hall, then spends Christmas with his big, crazy family. With the help of interfering relatives, including a ghost, can he convince her to take a chance on love?

This is the first book in the "Love at the Crazy H" series. CJ has two gorgeous younger brothers, who will hopefully meet their matches in 2007.

Happy reading! Cindy

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hi From New Member


I'm a Newbie to blogging and to Wild Rose Press. I'll really appreciate advice for promoting my work. I also welcome referrals, cost, etc. of creating my own website. To those of you who already have websites, which is the best? Do you pay monthly fees, as well? As you see, I am totally clueless.

Still, I'm happy to be part of this exciting publishing venture.

Marilyn Parrish

Saturday, September 23, 2006

New Release by Stacy Dawn


Playing around with ways to let a co-worker know she wants to share more than just ‘the look’ over the staffroom coffeemaker, a nervous newspaper employee inadvertently sends him a made-up classified ad. Will her colossal mistake put her in next week’s gossip column or land her the best deal of her life?

Available now from
The Wild Rose Press

This is a funny story about getting up the nerve to make the first move. I'd love to hear your 'first move' stories. Enter my What's Your First Move? contest and win an Electronic Fortune Teller to help you with your next move!

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Belated Introduction

I've been remiss in popping in over here. I'm one of the early WRP authors, and this blog was barely underway when I signed on, not to mention I was overwhelmed with all the other activities of becoming an author -- writing blurbs, bios, finding pictures, not to mention reading and signing contracts! All new and exciting.

I have three short stories with The Wild Rose Press: "Words" and "Relationships" (my newest) are with the Champagne line, and "Out of Sight" is a Last Rose of Summer.

I've got my own blog, and a website -- again, new stuff for me. I hope you'll visit me in both places.

Drop by my Website--I'm having a contest. No purchase required. :-) And "Contests" is the topic for a 3-part series on my blog.

My website: terryodell.com
My blog: Terry's Place

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


My book Marshal in Petticoats is out in e-book format and soon to be in print. If you go to my website: www.patyjager.com you can enter my October contest.

Paty Jager

Monday, September 11, 2006

New Release!

First off, I'm so sorry I missed the celebration last night! We're having ISP troubles at home and I couldn't get online - GRRR! It sounds like it was a blast though!

My first release with The Wild Rose Press is out! RETURN TO RIVERCROSS is a Rosette (very short story) about two people who were once in love but allowed lies and mistrust stand between them. But don't worry - there's a happy ending!

I've also contracted with TWRP for a longer short story to be released in the Scarlet Rose line. It was so much fun to write!

You can check out more about me at my website: www.lesliedicken.com or my blog: http://ldicken.bravejournal.com .

Happy Reading!

What A Party!

Last night's cyber fiesta was fabulosa. Such lively conversation from authors, editors and readers. Might I say that everyone looked gorgeous and the crab puffs were divine? Thanks for inviting me. Kudos to everyone who put it together. Dana Mentink

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Join me!

Please join me on September 11 from 5PM-10PM CST at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aoraag/ for a loop chat. I'll be posting excerpts, answering questions, and introducing you to my characters. I'll have prizes to give away, just for showing up.Two lucky winners will receive a $5 gift certificate to the Wild Rose Press. All you have to do to be eligible is make one post. That’s it. Stop by, say hi, whatever.Another lucky winner will receive a bag full of goodies and a $5 gift certificate to the Wild Rose Press. However many posts you make will put you in the drawing that many times. If you make one post, you’ll be entered once, 20 posts, you’ll be entered 20 times. Of course, this doesn't mean make a post just to be making posts.I’m also giving away a journal and pen homemade by me.If you can't make it during that time, drop by before then, and I'll see your post when I get there.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Allow me to introduce myself...

Hi there, I'm Cindy Spencer Pape, and I write contemporary and paranormal romance. So far. As far as I'm concerned, anything with a happy ending is fair game, so who know's what I'll come up with in the future? My first book with Wild Rose Press, The Cowboy's Christmas Bride, is a contemporary western, with just a touch of something extra. The blurb is already up under the Yellow Rose coming soon page, and on my author page, if you'd like to check it out. This is a very special book for me, one I wrote for my mom. (Who didn't care for all my "spooky sci-fi" stuff.)

Anyway, I was just dropping in to say hello, and let everyone know how happy I am to be part of WRP. Everyone so far has been helpful, professional, and most of all fast! Having waited months if not years, in some cases for rejection letters, getting a contract in a matter of days was quite a thrill. Not to mention having a book coing out for this holiday season!Of course, I was also surprised...now I really need to get going on that website...

About the picture: As you hopefully guessed, I'm the not-so-furry one. Actually in my spare time (ha!), I teach environmental education programs at a local nature center. The bear is, unfortunately an old recycled specimen and part of an exhibit I was redesigning. I am a huge animal lover, and you will often find them in my books.

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, from editors to readers, and of course, my fellow authors. I'll be at the Cyber Party on Sunday (Sept. 10, 8 pm EST) and hope to see many of you there. Watch this space and I'll let you know when my website is up and running, meanwhile, you can find me at the WRP site, or at my paranormal blog Sisters Of The Night (http://sistersofthenight.blogspot.com/.)

It's gonna be a great fall!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Hit and Run - Now Available for Purchase

I'm so proud and happy to announce that my very first written novel, Hit and Run, is now available for purchase at The Wild Rose Press! In celebration, I'm having a drawing at my website for a free download! Hop on over and sign up now!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Minnesota State Fair

Just got back from a day of eating food at the fair. I went with my daughter and if you have never been to the MN State Fair - the big deal is everything comes on a stick - hot dish on a stick. Meatball, tater-tot, meatball, tater-tot on a stick dipped into a cornmeal batter and deep-fried and served with cream of mushroom soup to be used as a dipping sauce. Deep-fried candy bars on a stick, macaroni and cheese on a stick, etc.

Now, if only I could figure out how to put my short stories on a stick - they'd sell like 'hot cakes' on a stick of course.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Just released!

I'm so thrilled to announce my new release with Wild Rose Press! The cover is beyond gorgeous, and I'm so proud of what's inside. I hope anyone who reads it will fall a little bit in love with the glory of Regency England, and the fabulous Rakes that prowled the ton...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Having been on the receiving end of editor and agent rejections, I don't like giving them to the enthusiastic writers who have sent me things for the Cactus Rose line. But in order to make this a publishing house that can become RWA recognized we have to put out the best work. I wish enthusiasm was enough to get a book published. If so, I would have been published long ago as well! But I've got a huge file of rejection letters to prove it takes more than enthusiasm.

It takes learning your craft and honing your voice to get published in this genre or any genre. You can't just dash a story on paper and hope to sell. You have to work at piecing together the best words, in a logical order, and bring in emotion as well as excitement. When I start spewing about something I'm working on and the problem I'm having with a story to anyone who doesn't write, they look at me and say, "Don't you just put words on paper?". That is the misconception most non-writers have. We just sling words on paper and there is the story they want to read.

Writing is about constructing an interesting story and weaving it into a spellbinding book with POV control, emotions, pacing, wording, and making your hero and heroine so likeable the reader doesn't want to put down the book when they get to the end.

That is writing, and that is what I am looking for when a submission is sent to the Cactus Line.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Life is a Circus

Hello all you First of Mays! Looking ahead to the fall release of my crazy circus story, Pi and the Fantabulosa (slightly married) Twenty Four Hour Man, I am offering a series of FREE workshops on how to speak circus. You can learn another language and embrace your inner clown, all at the same time. So grab your Annie Oakleys and come on by my website at www.danamentink.com. Cheers! Dana

The Wild Rose Press

Testing...testing. Has this poor wandering blogger made contact with the outside world? Dana Mentink

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Greetings everyone!

Hope everything is going well with you.
I'm Dawn Wilson and I'm excited about my upcoming release "Leaving The Comfort Cafe."
I've been so impressed with all the cover artwork and everything I've seen from TWRP thus far. So bravo for all the good work to everyone.

I've also started my blog here on blogger.com called "Things I did after wired on caffeine." I'm going to post some URL's to writing websites I've found helpful, as well as some advice I've gotten from profs and writers in my graduate classes---hoping to drive traffic from my blog to the WRP blog to your websites and hopefully, everyone benefits.

Take care. I'm redesigning my website, but hope to have that up soon.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My first contest!

Hi, everyone!

In honor of the release of "Diary of a Narcissistic Bloodsucker," I've set up a contest! There will be two winners, and I'll be giving away downloads of anything from The Wild Rose Press and/or CDs from my line of hypnosis CDs!

You can check out the details on the Forums at The Wild Rose Press:

Come by and check it out!

Lynda Hilburn
"Diary of a Narcissistic Bloodsucker," now available!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Released Today!

My vampire humor/satire w/romance elements short story, "Diary of a Narcissistic Bloodsucker" was released today. Yay!
Lynda Hilburn

my new cover

Everyone's cover looks fantastic! Congratulations, and thank you RJ who, as far as I know, does all the cover art. Isn't she great? Now I'm going to give mine a try...
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Friday, August 11, 2006

Cover for Twilight's Kiss!

Since we're all posting covers, I thought I'd pop by and post the beautiful cover RJ made up for my contemp paranormal fantasy, Twilight's Kiss! I'm thrilled with it...I just think it gives the right feel for the book! Thanks, RJ!

I'm very happy to be here at The Wild Rose Press.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Another beauty to share

Once again, RJ comes up with something fabulous!!! I hope to have a release date soon.

Check out my website for all the latest updates and info.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Speaking of covers :)

RJ was kind enough to send me my cover for my next Wild Rose story. Not sure of a release date, but I'll make sure to post it on my website (and here) as soon as I find out.

OK...off to do the happy dance, and celebrate some more....wooohooo!!!!

Wakka Wakka

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I Have a Cover!

Wow! RJ continues to amaze me with all she does. I received my cover yesterday and I'm thrilled with it. It fits the story perfectly!

My book is a Crimson Rose and Ally has been a fantastic help with getting it ready for publication. The blurb is: Beth Barrett's twin sister, Jilly, has been killed by a hit and run driver. Beth knows who did it. Proving it is the problem. The twins are linked through a psychic connection that hasn't diminished with Jilly's death, but no one believes it, not even Ryan Snider, the sexy detective assigned to the case.
When a stalker targets Beth, she can't prove that either. Faced with a cunning adversary, she must depend on her own strength, and an unlikely bond with her dead sister, to unmask a killer before she becomes the next victim.

It is my first novel publication, although I have been published in two Chicken Soup for the Soul books and have a nonfiction story coming out September 1 of this year in Cup of Comfort for Grandparents.

I'm so happy to be one of the authors for Wild Rose Press. I'm looking forward to submitting many more manuscripts. Hope you'll check out Hit and Run when it's available. Now I've got to get busy and do some promoting!

Diary of a Narcissistic Bloodsucker

Hello, everyone!
This is my first blog as a new author for the Black Rose Line of The Wild Rose Press. I'm very happy to be here. My 12,000-word vampire humor/satire short story, Diary of a Narcissistic Bloodsucker, will be for sale one of these days soon. Here's a blurb for the story:

Told in first person by the vampire herself (Zara), this is the diary of an ancient, self-absorbed, yet-amusing nightwalker. She lusts for both sex and blood. Unfortunately, something has gone awry and her normal habits now create new problems to solve. In the midst of sorting things out, she meets an intriguing human named Niven -- a musician who lives in the magical kingdom of contemporary Boulder, CO -- and discovers that he is much more than he appears to be. Then, if things weren't interesting enough, Zara encounters her old mentor/lover -- the vampire who originally turned her -- and things get downright supernatural.

This will be my first fiction sale. I've written nonfiction for a long time, but something about letting my creative imagination run wild in the paranormal genre has really been an enlightening experience. I've also completed a 105,000-word novel which my agent is selling for me, and I'm in the midst of a couple of other projects. I'm a vampire fan: reader and writer. Most everything I've written so far falls into one vampire archetype or another. I think because I make my living as a psychotherapist, and I work with problems, dilemmas and quandaries, I appreciate not dealing with "normal" reality in my fiction writing. That's why I focus on extraordinary beings -- especially gorgeous ones.

This first story for the Black Rose Line is not a traditional romance. It's the irreverent experiences of a self-absorbed vampire named Zara. She's pretty much your basic bad girl. I hope you'll take a moment to check her out when my story's ready for sale.

You can read more about me on my blog and my website:

Lynda Hilburn

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Very Special to Me.

This short story is one of my personal favorites and I was so happy when The Wild Rose Press chose to publish it.

Shadows of Moonlight

Over the centuries, Rick Shayne has loved and lost the same woman four times. Her reappearance only deepens his guilt and he refuses to risk her life or his heart again. Liz Greyson isn’t about to let him off that easy, but will her secret be his saving grace or cast him back into the shadows of moonlight forever.

It is a story about a love that never dies but more importantly, about how we see ourselves versus how others see us. I still get emotional when I read it and I’ve read it over a thousands times LOL. If you don’t normally read paranormal, please give it a try because it’s so much more than that.

It’s available now

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Plotter or Pantster? Rules???

This whole blogging thing is a bit new to me. I set up my own blog, too, as so many of you have done. I love reading writing blogs!

I'm new with The Wild Rose Press and my crimson rose novel, "Hit and Run", is in the "coming soon" stage. I can't wait to see the cover RJ comes up with and to actually see my novel "for sale". When that happens, I'm going to run a contest to celebrate!

I posted a piece on my blog that I thought some of you might enjoy reading and/or commenting on. If you get a chance hop on over to My Blog and read The Romance Writer's Life - Installment 6, Plotter or Panster. I'd love to hear your responses.

Happy Reading and Writing!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Hello! I'm new to The Wild Rose Press, but not new to writing. I have books coming out from other publishers and have an agent submitting my Golden Heart finalling manuscript to NYC. I'm so excited to be here. TWRP has bought my short story, Return to Rivercross. I challenged myself to write a short story (this one is only 3000 words), as I've always written full length novels. Return to Rivercross will be a Rosette under the English Tea Rose line.

You can find out more about me by visiting my website or my personal blog. I'd love to hear from you!


Leslie Dicken

Monday, July 31, 2006

Wow! I'm Blogging!

This blog stuff is kind of mind-numbing. I just set up one of my very own called "Creative Adventures" with a profile and stuff. I know I should remember to post to it regularly, but we'll see. I own a yahoo group called Paranormal Mystery Writers and am more used to that. I love a good challenge though!

Whoops. Sorry for being rude and not even introducing myself. My name is Karen Duvall and I just signed a contract with The Wild Rose Press to publish my romantic suspense novel DESERT GUARDIAN. Man, was that a fun book to write! I had a blast. Though I adore my hero and heroine, I have to say my villainess is one awesomely wicked lady. Gotta love a good bad guy, uh, I mean bad girl.

I look forward to lots of fun discussions on this blog!


Monday, July 17, 2006

I am so Excited....

First Class Male and Love and Coffee To Go are now available for sale...I am so excited about the release of my new stories. Rhonda and RJ have been instrumental in helping me polish my stories.

Coffee and Love To Go - Dan is surprised to find out he is the topic of conversation on a women’s talk show about meaningful glances. For the last two weeks when he stops for his cup of coffee, he has noticed a beautiful woman with red hair and now she’s on the air asking the listeners if she should make the first move and talk to him.

First Class Male - Jenny decided to walk to the Post Office to pick up the package her co-workers claimed was waiting for her. However, when she got there the handsome clerk was unable to find the parcel, but he did find her heart.

New Release!

Ok, JOSIE is up and ready to buy!!!
So if you're looking for something to take your mind off these super hot days, download a copy, grab a bottle of flavored water, and lose yourself in the world of Josie...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sharing the latest news!

I'm so thrilled to announce my latest release with Wild Rose: JOSIE.
It's a little werewolf story about a lone female who must learn to trust if she hopes to survive.
I don't have a release date yet, but it shouldn't be too long now :)
Check out www.thewildrosepress.com and www.loradarling.com for all the latest info!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Two hats

As an editor at Wild Rose Press, I enjoy reading the submissions and giving helpful feedback to other writers. I wish at this point I had contracted someone, but so far all the submission, though engaging stories and characters have had issues in craft. I've ask all of the writers to work on those elements and resubmit, so I may be doling out contracts right and left in a few months.

As a writer for Wild Rose Press, I am trying to set up book signings and waiting for the release of my books. Reading the forums and seeing all the things other contracted writers are doing to promote, I wonder where they find the time! Any suggestions on the best ways to promote that takes the least amount of my time? I have postcards of my first book and trying to find a source to print magnets for the first and second book.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Summer fun at the races...

Hi WRP friends! I'm stopping by to say hi and this time I thought I'd share some of our family summer fun with you. We had another exciting night at the races last weekend. Ever wonder where a writer gets her inspiration? Here's a snippet...

Take care!

Summer at the racesJuly 10, 2006 by lee.
With all the summer fun comes Saturday night at the races too! The roar of the engines, the thrill of the speed, the racing pulse when a car slides out of the number three turn in a roll… (Luckily it wasn’t my nephew who rolled)
Yep, the races are in full swing right now. We spent last Saturday night cheering for my nephew, William Morrison III, willing him to finish first, feverishly chanting, “Go Willie!” from the stands.
As luck would have it, his radiator blew a hole from a hit he took just as he was about to finish the race and his engine lost power… oh the frustration. He’s having a great season this summer too. Despite the set back, he’s ranked third in points for the 2006 racing season currently and he’s looking stronger each race. Check out the stats here. Not a bad standing for last year’s Rookie of the Year.
Stay tuned… Willie is busy making repairs to his car this week and he’ll be back on the track next Saturday.
Good luck Willie! The fans are rootin’ for ya!
(Aunt) Lee

Friday, July 07, 2006

Hi everyone

Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Judith Rochelle, and I just signed a contract with The Wild Rose Press. M uch celebrating in our house. The book is an inspirational that will be published in the White Rose Division, and was created for two reasons. I also write very steamy romances and I wanted to write something that our kids could read without needing therapy. And we are a famly strong in our faith, something I wanted to share with others. The idea for the plot came from our daughter's own "homecoming" and the book was a real labor of love. Jenna and Jake, my hero and heroine, became very real to me as I wrote their story.

I live in the Texas Hill Country about 45 minutes from downtown San Antonio. My husband isd a sixth generation Texan, and when we retired, he said he wanted to plant his boots in Texas soil and never leave. We live on six beautiful acres populated with a variety of wildlife, and now that our children are all grown and on their own, share our home we three adorable c ats we adopted almost two years ago.

I love to write, and spend about six hours a day at it, unless it's a day we're out doing fun stuff. I am already hard at work on a seocnd inspirational and anjoying it as much as COMING HOME.

I hope you will all introduce yourselves to me. Lisa and I met oin a Yahoo group and she was kind en ough to send me a great email conratulating me on my contract. I look forward to getting to know everyone in this garden.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

A quick hello

I hope everyone is recovered from the holiday weekend. I'm back at my desk with revisions and getting caught up on work.

Have you all been thinking of entering the Premiere Rose Bouquet Contest at The Wild Rose Press? I've got several different ideas I'm tossing around for some entries.

Just a fly by to say a quick hello today.

Take care!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Celebrating with a Contest

To help me celebrate the release of my new story, The Theory of Love, I'm having a contest and will be picking TWO winners on July 18th, 2006.

The Contest: It can’t get much easier than this. Simply buy my story (available at www.thewildrosepress.com) and answer this simple question: What happened to Abbey’s hair?
E-mail the answer to me at stacy@stacydawn.com and you will be entered into the prize draw. It’s that simple.

The Prizes: One winner will receive A Strawberry Daiquiri Pedicure Set including Foot Lotion, Emery Board, Daiquiri Toe Separators, and Terry-cloth Slippers all in its own zippered carrying case and a promo pack. The second winner will receive a Stationary Pack including pens, notebooks, stapler/pencil sharpener set, To-Do list, and a few other little goodies.

And while you are at The Wild Rose Press, take a look at all the new events blooming in the garden!

Monday, July 03, 2006


Reading Emma's blog hit home. I too have waited and worked a long time to get published. However, I've believed in my abilities and though there were a couple times I wanted to bag it - the characters always pulled me back to the computer. The first book I wrote - I still love the characters, but I can't believe I sent it to publishers thinking they would want it! I have grown over the years, and yes, blossomed as a writer. So what better place to finally get my stories published than The Wild Rose Press.

Being an editor and an author for WRP - I know the pain of getting a rejection letter that says " Love it, but..." If you send a submission to me at Cactus Rose, you will get the reason why I don't feel it is ready for publication yet, not just it isn't what I'm looking for, or doesn't fit my needs right now. You will get an answer. After all those years of form rejection letters and the "Loved it, but not right for us at this time", I don't want someone who has been rejected reading the letter and wondering why.

To all those who have been embraced into the WRP family "welcome" and to those who haven't yet made it - take the information you get in the rejection letters and hone your writing skills. It takes practice, and believing in yourself as a writer. Your day will come, and you will be published.

I'm new and learning

Hello! I’m very excited to be a part of The Wild Rose Press. Seems I’ve waited forever to see my book in print. I won’t tell you how many times I almost gave up. With a full time job, family, rejection letters and a home to take care of, you really have to be passionate about writing to get it done. Fortunately, I am passionate about writing and would never be happy if I gave it up.

I'm new and a little nervous. There's so much to do and learn. The WRP is a great site with a lot of great authors. Can’t wait to meet everyone!

Friday, June 30, 2006

just popping in

I'm very excited to say that one of Wild Rose's latest releases belongs to little ole me!!! BLOOD RITUAL, written under the name L. Rosario.
Creating this story was a wonderful experience from start to finish, and I hope it finds its way into the hearts of vampire lovers everywhere!

Next up? Well, pretty soon I'll have a story available under the Champagne Rose line, and after that look for a little werewolf tale( sorry, but I'm laughing as I chant werewolf tale over and over in my mind. Forgive me :)) in the Black Rose line.
Of course I'm hoping that won't be all, but I have to write to sell, and so I'm off to get back to the edits I'm working on for a possible future Scarlet Rose book. Fingers crossed. xx

Happy reading everyone!

My 43rd...

...Birthday that is. Today I'm 43 and loving every minute of it. Maybe one day I'll be able to say I've published 43 books...or more. :) Celebrating with family and friends is wonderful, of course, but I admit, getting word that The Wild Rose Press wants to publish my book has made this one of the best birthdays ever.

If there's one thing I can say about The Wild Rose Press, it would be to rave about how supportive and caring the editors are. Working with WRP is like taking a breath of fresh air. The atmosphere is full of positive energy and the best part is that they are just beginning to roll. I'm thrilled to have found an environment that I am proud to call home.

The only thing that could make this day better would be peeking in my e-mail and finding out I've sold another story... Ok, now I'm asking for too much, lol.

Thank you to everyone at The Wild Rose Press, and to all of you who stop by to join in the fun.

Have a great day!

Books Sprouting Up All Over

The new look to the website is wonderful and all the new books popping up there! It is exciting to see all the enthusiasm of the writers and the editors.

Editors want to make the submission process a fast turn-around, but as more and more submissions come in, we only have so many hours in a day. The one thing you will get at Wild Rose Press is advice if you are rejected. It is one of the things we pride ourselves on. No form rejections. You will always get some advice to help you with your next submission.

And if we ask you to resubmit when you've grasped the concept stated, do. It means there was other merit to your work we liked.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Working on revisions

Hi everyone!

Just thought I'd stop by and say hi to all of our WRP friends. I've been busy working on revisions for LIFE BEGINS IN ARIZONA (release tba). It began as a novella but has turned into a full length book. As all writers do, I've become close to Claire and Jake, the characters in my story. They've gone through a lot, both separate and together, but as life unfolds for them in the small community of Wickenburg, Arizona, they learn some important lessons about life and love. They've become my friends. I'm going to miss them as I send them out into the world. I hope you'll all take good care of them and give them a warm welcome.

Be sure to stop by The Wild Rose Press website and check out the other great titles too!


Stop and Smell the Roses

I know, how can a writer use such a cliché for a title? Well, sometimes if the garden shoe fits then you have to where it. Stop and smell the roses is perfect for my post today because so many wonderful things are happening here at The Wild Rose Press, you just have to stop in for a look.

To begin with, and a personal biggy, my new release is now available:

The Theory of Love

Abbey’s doubts about her friend’s sparks and fireworks theory only grow when a set-up date turns into a no-show dud. Vowing never to let her friend set her up again, the last thing she expects is a jean-clad dancing plant putting the theory to the test.

Oh, but that’s not all...

For readers: New books have been added and are just waiting for you to enjoy as part of your summer reading.

For writers: Submission guidelines available, visit The Greenhouse for informative articles, or enter the First Annual Premiere Rose Bouquet Contest!

For everyone: Did I mention the wonderful selection of books? There’s a really good, short, fun and flirty one out called The Theory of Love...did I mention this one yet? Plus, there is a forum to talk to authors and other readers like yourselves and now you can also get The Wild Rose Press merchandise! Yes, shirts, mugs, hats, stickers, book bags--it’s all there waiting for you.

And don’t forget to sign up for our Newsletter to stay up to date on all the wonderful events blooming in our garden.

Friday, June 23, 2006


My story "Happy Meal" is online and it looks wonderful. The Wild Rose Press does such a great job of editing, designing the cover and creating e-post cards.

This is all such a learning experience for me. Blogging, forums, e-publishing and I'm having a great time.

My goals are to add some pictures to my Blog and hopefully some excitement too.

The next story to go into production for me is "Coffee and Love to go."

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My First Time

Not only is this my first Blog entry, but I'm excited to say my first story will soon be published by Wild Rose. I'm not sure the reality of it all has hit me yet, but maybe once it's out and people not blood related to me are reading it, it'll sink in :)
Working for Wild Rose is wonderful and so far everything I've read has been real quality!!!
So look for A DASH OF LONGING WITH A TOUCH OF LOVE by: Lora Darling (I'll let you know if that title changes between now and release date :))
And if you like vampires, Keep a look out for BLOOD RITUAL by: L. Rosario. It shouldn't be too long before that's available and I hear it's pretty hot ;)

Sunday, June 18, 2006


I'm excited to be on this blog both as an editor and an author of Wild Rose Press. My first book "Marshal in Petticoats" will be out soon at Wild Rose Press. I've registered for the Emerald City RWA conference in October, marking the box next to - Do you want to participate in the Bookfair? I'm excited to be on the opposite side of an autographing table, but also scared.

As an editor, I'm a bit dissapointed in how few western submissions we've had. There are so many writers out there who are trying to get published, I wish they would send their work our way. We're looking for some good reads!

Anyone out there got a western they'd like to send our way?

Friday, June 02, 2006

What's Happening At The Wild Rose Press

Things are really blooming here at The Wild Rose Press. We've new authors, new books and short stories, and we're ramping up for our official grand opening, September 1, 2006.

Look what's in store for you...

Some flirty fun in the Wild West, love and forgiveness with a slice of danger in the 1930s, and we'll be kicking it up a few notches in the kitchen. There's so much more I can't begin to describe them all!

We'll have contests, giveaways, and loads of great reading. Don't miss out on the fun - check the site often for the latest news!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Welcome to The Wild Rose Press

Here you'll find posts from our authors and editors. Tips, tidbits, and what's happening in the life of writers and The Wild Rose Press house.

Thanks for stopping by our blog.

The Wild Rose Press