Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lightning Only Strikes Twice On Sale .99 cents!

I’m excited to be here to post a bit about my time-travel on sale for 0.99 – Lightning Only Strikes Twice.

Why Time-travel?

I typically write romantic suspense/thrillers, but this time-travel story came to me in a dream. Just a germ of an idea about two strangers who travel back in time and fall in love in an era that isn’t their own. It swirled in my head for a couple of years until I had the time-travel mechanism figured out, and a first line. From there, the book just took off. Many who don’t typically read time-travel have indicated they’ve enjoyed this particular story. I hope you will too. For only a few more days, Lightning Only Strikes Twice is available for 0.99.

Lightning Only Strikes Twice:
After her grandfather's death, mounting debts force Annie Crawford to sell her inheritance to uphold her family's honor and avoid bankruptcy. Financial stability comes with an even higher price: her heritage. She must rebuild her legacy from nothing.

Purchasing Annie's property means three things to Luke Maxwell: financial burden on Maxwell Development, opportunity to propel his career to the top by developing the old ghost town, and, ultimately, approval to take over his father's company. All of which take precedence over his attraction to the pretty seller.

While touring the property, Annie and Luke are whisked back in time to the 1891 mining community. Together, they endure antiquated hardships and turn to each other for familiarity. Comfort soon becomes passion. As they face a lifetime in the wrong century, Annie and Luke discover a predestined responsibility to the future. Can the love they've propagated in the past take root in the present?

Thank you for spending a few minutes of your valuable time with me today. For more information about any of my upcoming stories, you can check out the book’s website page here. Or sign up for my newsletter here.

Stanalei Fletcher’s love of writing romance stems from reading favorites such as Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Barbara Cartland, and Alistair MacLean. She has over twenty years of training in the martial arts and holds the rank of Sandan, a third-degree black belt, in Aikido.
After a taste of life on both U.S. coasts, she now resides in the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her hero, who is also her best friend and husband. Together they enjoy the open road astride a Harley, visiting museums and exploring ghost towns.

I’d love to hear from you. You can find me at any of the following locations:
Twitter –  @StanaleiFletch

1 comment:

  1. Thanks TWRP, for having me on the blog today!
