Friday, June 19, 2020

Garden Interview with Roni Denholtz

Hello Roni

Welcome. Tell us about you and your books.

Do you plot or let the story unfold as you write?
I try to plot at least the major components of the story before writing.  It makes the writing go faster.

How did you do in English as a kid?

I did well in English.  I actually liked diagramming sentences, and liked literature (well, most of it.  There were a few books I disliked).

When did you decide to become an author?

When I got hooked at age 9 on the Nancy Drew series, I wanted to writ my own.  I decided to be an author then!

Do you have trouble saying goodbye to characters?

Sometimes.  I often write epilogues for them because of that.

Do you have set times during the day that you write?

I go to my “real job” (real estate) often in the morning.  Then I come home, take the dog for a long walk, and spend the afternoons writing.  Although sometimes it’s the reverse order.

and for a little fun...

Do you have a favorite quote?

            “Never give up.  Never surrender.”  From the movie Galaxy Quest.  I had this quote on my bulletin board for years!

What is your favorite drink?
            Amaretto!  I treat myself to a glass every Friday night.

Has the dog ever eaten your manuscript?
            No, but our current dog chewed the TV remote and I had to get a new one!

Do you have any hobbies?

            I collect old girls’ series books like Nancy Drew, Judy Bolton, and Dana Girls.

What is your favorite time of year and why?
            Autumn.  I love the cooler temperatures and the gorgeous colors.

Where can we find you online?

Facebook:  Roni Denholtz Author
Instagram denholtzroni

Download Enchanted Vermont Nights (Deerbourne Inn series) on Amazon and other online retailers.


  1. Hi Roni: Nice learning more about your. I have several "girl" books too. Even the Nancy Drew cookbook! Loved reading her as a child as well. Wishing you great success with your Deerbourne Inn story

  2. I enjoyed your interview.
    I loved your quote! Galaxy Quest is one of my favorite movies.
    I loved the Nancy Drew books and the Hardy Boys books, too. My mother introduced them to me. Then, of course, I loved the TV series. Parker Stevenson and Shaun Cassidy's pictures were on my wall.

    Wishing the best success with your book.

  3. Thanks for the insights, Roni. I'm having a good time celebrating Christmas in July today on Twitter with Eight Nights To Win Her Heart. Thanks for such a great story. Good luck with this one.
