Monday, July 19, 2021

Call for Submissions - Passport to Pleasure - Erotic Romance

 Spinning off our Destination Pleasure series, we’re announcing Passport to Pleasure. In this new series, we are looking for erotic romance in which the setting is foreign and the scenes are hot!


The traveling character must be American and traveling anywhere outside the U.S. at any time of year. The new lover, or lovers in the case of a ménage, can be American, too, but having a native to the land adds to the flavor of the story. The story can be told from one point of view or both. The characters can know each other, even travel together. If the pair meet for the first time, the traveling character’s motivation for sleeping with a sexy stranger in a foreign land must be realistic.




A passport and the new stamp of the foreign setting must be mentioned.


Romance only: The story can end with a Happy For Now if not a Happy Ever After.


Length: 20-30k words


Rating: Erotic


Genre: Contemporary, Historical, Paranormal, Fantasy, LGBTQ+


Titles: Make them fun and sexy, but tasteful, and create a pattern such as Sultry in Singapore, Peruvian Persuasion, Wild about Windsor, Hot Highland Nights, Dominating Dublin, Igniting India, Mr. Right in Rome, Grecian God of Yes!, etc.

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