Monday, March 17, 2008

New Author

Hey to everyone out there! I have a book coming out later this year titled, Fixing Forever Broken. It's my first novel with TWRP and would appreciate insights on what the editing process is like, how much marketing you all have done, and how long you have been writing, etc. I want to meet some writers! Hope to hear from some other newbies and some veterans as well.


  1. Welcome, Tamara! I think you'll find a lot of promotion tips at, which is a site I put together for eBook authors. But remember: Return on Investment! Don't do it if you're not sure it's going to be worth your time and money. ;)

  2. Hi Tamara--I just got my story, Re-ride at the Rodeo, accepted at TWRP on Monday so I'm a newbie and looking for ways to promote also. And thanks Sonja, I checked out your blog and its filled with good info. I'm still finding my way but I'm willing to share anything that's helpful--Anne

  3. Hi Tamara,
    I'm going to be a new author for The Wild Rose Press as well. I also am looking for different ways to promote my novel, Passion In Paradise.
    Thanks for that link Sonya.
    Off to have a look at it now.
