Saturday, January 09, 2010

On a Warm Sea of Love by Bess McBride

Here I am, after a long hiatus, catching up with blogging and promoting and writing and.... Well, just a lot of things! Including promotion of my recent release, a light paranormal/fantasy called "On a Warm Sea of Love."

"Here's the blurb:

Hailey Saunders accompanies her beloved matchmaking sister, Megan, on a cruise to the beautiful and exotic Caribbean...something she’s avoided for a long time...ever since her young husband, Zach, was lost off a fishing trawler in the Bering Sea during a storm.

At first, Hailey cried daily for months, then weekly for a year, but now she doesn’t cry at all. Why? Because Zach returned to her...or at least, his ghost did. His voice remains her constant companion, allowing her to avoid the pain of real life...of falling in love with someone else.

A flirtatious but ineligible Scots ship's officer, Alan Campbell, has his eye on Hailey as does the handsome and mysterious European, Karl de Groot. Megan is ready to make a match for her sister, but Zach finds it hard to let his wife go...or is it Hailey who refuses to say goodbye? Three men want her...only one can have her!"

And here are a few fabulous reviews!

"You Gotta Read" from Laura at You Gotta Read Reviews!

"Some of us have lost one great love to death. Therein lies the biggest of all heartaches. You crave their voice, their comfort and their love long after they have passed on. How great would it be to still have them be a part of us? To have their advice, their humor or just their essence to keep us from hurting would be such a gift. This story explores the possibility of keeping a connection with a loved one from beyond the grave...Ms. McBride, as always, guides the reader in an emotional and loving adventure complete with despair and indecision that evolves hope of a lifetime of love still waiting to be experienced. Consider On A Warm Sea of Love to be a romantic homerun, and one not to be missed." Reviewer: Laura at "You Gotta Read Reviews"

For the rest of the review, go to:

Five Hearts from Night Owl Romance by Diana!

"Ms. McBride delivered another fascinating and extremely entertaining story that leaves her reader thoroughly satisfied in the end. This author is a master storyteller and I find that once I start one of her books, I just can’t put it down until it’s finished. The way she creates and molds her characters leaves every reader able to relate to one or more of them in the story. By doing this, the reader becomes fully immersed into the storyline and feels exactly what the characters are experiencing every step of the way."

For the rest of the review, go to:

Bess McBride

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