Friday, May 17, 2013

Because of Rebecca - New Historical Romance in the Garden

Rebecca Davis promises to raise her dying sister's newborn son as her own. She also agrees to help a female slave reach freedom. It's the right thing to do, but can she trust her fellow conspirators without endangering her future or her son? Her handsome contact, Jared Hollingsworth, won't discuss their mission, but her attraction to him has Rebecca fearing she will endanger not only her freedom--but her heart.

Jared Hollingsworth refuses to use slave labor. Despite this sentiment, he's been able to keep his plantation going, even while mourning the death of his wife and son. Now, thanks to his notorious cousin, Jared is in danger of losing Oak Hill. When he meets Rebecca Davis, he isn't ready to love again, but she may be just what he needs to save his home and his heart. When he discovers Rebecca embroiled in a conspiracy, will he follow his heart and dare to love again? Or will he risk her heart to save his beloved plantation?


“Do you like me, Jared?”

Her unexpected touch seared his flesh and he hesitated a moment trying to read her thoughts before he answered. “Yes. I like you. Why do you ask?”

He could feel the rise and fall of her breasts as she stood so close to him. Her emerald eyes were dark and her lips were pink, inviting him to taste them if he dared.

My God yes, I like you. Inwardly he groaned, but did he dare to confess his desire to her?

“Come with me.” He entwined his fingers with hers and led her quickly into the library past the many bookshelves of leather bound volumes. He walked over to an alcove for privacy. Turning around, he pulled her close until she was pressed against him. “I like you far more than I should for the time I’ve known you, Rebecca.”

She swallowed. “You do?”

With his free hand he cupped her cheek, caressing it gently. He rubbed the pad of his rough thumb over her lips. They trembled in response and he lowered his head, nibbling at her mouth with small kisses until she responded in kind. Without warning, he parted her lips with his tongue and captured her mouth, exploring its depths.

Her hand crept up his arm to his neck, holding his head so he couldn’t pull away. Her fingers speared through his damp hair, sending shivers down his spine.

His body hardened and he groaned, pulling away before he lost his head completely. 

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