Saturday, June 13, 2020

Garden Interview with Daphne Dubois

Hello Daphne

Welcome. Tell us about you and your books.

Have you ever cried while writing a book?

Yes, but not over characters. Writing is painful.

Do you have trouble saying goodbye to characters?

The characters I miss are the ones I have to edit out of a story. However, I have a special file for those misfits and I regularly promise them they’ll get their own story one day.

How much of the book is realistic?

Both settings for THE RIGHT FIT and ONLY THE BEGINNING are based on Toronto and Halifax respectively. Halifax is my home city so ONLY THE BEGINNING has more specific landmarks. I changed the names of businesses that I featured, but the Public Library and the Public Gardens exist.

Do you have to travel researching your book(s)?

Toronto was based on my own travel. And of course, I know Halifax very well.

When did you first, without hesitation, call yourself a writer?

Good question! I didn’t mention I was a writer until I had my first book published. These days, (even after eleven published novels) I still say it with a shrug, like an afterthought.

And for a little fun...

What's the most blatant lie you've ever told?

Wow, that escalated quickly. 

Who do you see as a hero/heroine in your life?

Mostly the people I don’t know who are just doing their job every day without complaining. I find it’s the people I least expect that are doing all the heavy work behind the scenes as opposed to the big moments of rescue and such.

Do you laugh at your own jokes?


Have you ever found true love?

When you’re young every love feels like true love, then you find the sustainable love and its everything. Also, don’t forget to love yourself!

What is the one question you wish an interviewer would ask you?

What are you wearing to the Oscars?

Where can we find you online?

Download Only The Beginning from Amazon and other online retailers


  1. Love her wish comment.

  2. Very interesting interview! Sounds like this author writes fascinating books.

  3. HI Daphne. Enjoyed your interview. Have to agree about the crying. Hope you make it to the Oscars! Wishing you continued success with your writing.

  4. Love your wish comment. Made me smile.
