Monday, July 06, 2020

Garden Interview with Alana Lorens

Hello Alana

tell us about you and your books

Do you plot or let the story unfold as you write?

I definitely start with a strong idea--for example, in TENDER MISDEMEANORS, I knew the opposites attract idea would be set between the law enforcement hero and the monkeywrencher. Both are trying to protect the forests in different ways, but one is legal and one isn’t. Then what unfolded after that came in bits and pieces, and adding the other folk at the office, her sister’s pagan group and the local militia allowed the story to expand. Then at about two-thirds done, I usually write down a chapter by chapter plan to bring the story to the correct finale.

What's your favorite book you've written?

The book of my heart is now a series called The Color of Fear, a YA post-apocalyptic series where a group of POC takes on a white supremacist in the face of a weaponized virus that kills mostly Caucasians. The books are WINDMILLS, DESTINATIONS and ADVERSARIES.

How did you do in English as a kid?

It was just about my favorite. I majored in English in college and took many, many writing classes in the interim.

When did you decide to become an author?

When I was 9. I wrote a story, blow by blow, about my cat eating a rabbit it had killed. The principal read it in front of the whole school!

What tips would you give a new writer?

Write. Write and then read your writing out loud to help catch odd cadences. If you can find a great critique group, grab on to them and love them!

And for a little fun...

If you were going to commit the perfect murder, how would you go about it?

It would involve alligators and swamps. That’s all I’m saying. J

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I have wanted to be a writer as long as I can remember. I took the path through waitress, floral designer, newspaper reporter, and then a family law attorney…. but I’m finally back here.

What is your favorite drink?

A really great grind of strong, rich coffee with just the right amount of cream and sugar…..perfection.

Are you fun to go on vacation with?

I was when I was healthier—I’d look up all sorts of interesting things to do and present choices that were available. We always hit the things on that 50 Weird Things for Each State lists….

Do you have any hobbies?

I quilt and garden—and also foster kittens, some bottle babies and some just for socialization. I also love to cook big ethnic dinners—which I don’t get to do so much now that my children are mostly grown.

Where can we find you online?

Download Tender Misdemeanors on Amazon and other online retailers


  1. So happy to be here! Thanks!

  2. Such a great interview from an amazing writer who is entertaining, twisty, and unique.
