Monday, October 18, 2021

Julie Howard - Author of The Three Widows of Wylder


Hello Julie

Tell us about you and your new book.

Have you ever cried while writing a book?

Absolutely! It seems strange that an author would cry while they write, but I get very attached to my characters. When they hurt, I hurt. When they triumph, so do I. I cried at a couple of spots in The Three Widows of Wylder, even after numerous times of editing it through. It gets me every time.


How did you do in English as a kid?

I always loved to read and English meant I got to read and then write about what I read. I was a total nerd about it. My father was a high school English teacher, so we had all the classics at home along with bookshelves full of mysteries, encyclopedias, romances, and thrillers. I read it all including quite a bit of the encyclopedias! So I did very well in my English classes.


Do you have trouble saying goodbye to characters?

I still miss the characters from my first series, Wild Crime. I catch myself wondering what the rest of their lives are like before I realize they aren’t real people. In one way, I’d like to write another book that includes them so that I can be in their world a while longer, but their story is concluded and I’m happy with the ending.


What are your current projects?

I have three underway. One is a historical fiction, another the first of a new contemporary mystery series, and the third is a continuation of my Spirited Quest series. The next Spirited Quest novel (the fourth), which follows the adventures of a ghost-hunter, will take the main character Jillian to central California during the 1930s to solve a murder. I’m not sure when this one will be completed as I have lots of research still to do.


When you wrote this book, did you have an idea of how it would end at the beginning?

When I start a novel, I always have the ending in mind. I create a rough outline before I begin and know the story I want to tell. The plot rarely stays the same as the original outline as the characters take over at some point and drive the story forward to a logical conclusion. In my first book, a murder mystery, I had one murderer in mind but went back and completely changed this to a different character. The story made so much more sense!

and now for a bit of fun.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I always wanted to be a novelist so I’m living my childhood dream. I had a career as a journalist too so I’ve earned a living by writing most of my life.


Are you fun to go on vacation with?

Hmmm, a good question. I’m a planner so I usually know exactly what I’d like to see when I travel. And I’m terrible about relaxing while the sun is up. If it’s light outside, I want to be outside either hiking or exploring. So if someone isn’t into that or isn’t a morning person, I can be impatient.


Are you jealous of other writers?

Very much so. Every time I read a great book, I wish I could write so well. But this drives me to do better – write better plots, craft more interesting characters. I learn so much by reading, and I’m inspired to work harder.


Do you have any hobbies?

I collect and send postcards around the world – an interest I share with my sister and father. I love to go cycling, and pedal 10-20 miles most days. There’s a wonderful trail by the Boise river that I usually take and the views are lovely. I also quilt and crochet, and enjoy my vegetable garden and growing roses. And of course I’m an avid reader and have a huge TBR pile – several of them, in fact, all over the house.


What is your favorite time of year and why?

Autumn. I love the crisp mornings and the brilliant colors in the trees. I walk quite a bit and there’s nothing like hearing the crunch of leaves underfoot or being caught in a shower of falling leaves. Cool nights are a great excuse to curl up with a cozy blanket and a good book next to the fireplace.

and where can we find out more about you?





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