Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Daughter's Promise Release


I'm thrilled to announce that my debut book "A Daughter's Promise" is being released tomorrow, Oct. 17 from the Wild Rose Press.

Thank you so much to my editor Nan Swanson! You were such an incredible support and helped me make this book the best it could be!! And thank you Rae Monet! The cover is so gorgeous. Everyone at TWRP have been so supportive. What an awesome experience meeting the other authors too. You rock, roses!

Here is an excerpt:

Serene’s heart pounded as she peered around the silent restaurant, alive hours earlier but now masked with an eerie paleness. This room and her life would never again be the same. She whisked off the wetness around her eyes, sucked in a daunted breath, and remembered her purpose.

“Are you all right?” She hoped her English was still understandable.

No response from the American.

Leaning a little closer, she gently placed her hand beneath his, finding it warm and moist with life.“Can you hear me?”

Still nothing.

“If you can hear me, squeeze my hand.”

Serene checked behind her. She unbuttoned his coat, soaked in warm blood, and slid her hand inside, relieved to feel at least a slight rise and fall to his chest.

“I want to help you, but not now. I have to go, but I’ll be back. Can you hear me? I’ll be back.”

Halten Sie!” Boots clicked toward her on the stone floor.

As she let go of the American’s hand, the slightest pressure passed her fingertips.

He had heard her.

Thank you for letting me share!


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