This yellow rose is my second release in the Garden and I can tell you right now, I'm danged happy to be hanging out at the Yellow Rose Corral with the other talented authors here.
Sunny Forester is a sassy, independant Texas lady who's had it up to HERE with undependable men. Hmmm. Haven't we all?
Here's a little blurb. Hope you like the sound of this story and I always promise my readers a sexy-as-all-get-out hero and I pulled out all the stop with Matt McBride.
Sunny Forester gave up her dream of finding a dependable man a long time ago After spending most of her life cleaning up the messes of lazy, shiftless Forester men she’s convinced that such an animal doesn't exist. When hunky rancher Matt McBride two-steps his way into her diner, though, all her preconceived notions about men begin to change. Vowing to repay a debt he owes to her dead brother, Matt McBride sweeps into the old diner and straight into Sunny's heart. He serves up a hefty helping of Texas-style lovin' with a side of spice for dessert, proving to this stubborn Texas woman that there is such a thing as a dependable man.
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