I'm pleased to announce the release of my 4th historical romance. ADAM'S TREASURE is now available. Here is an excerpt to help get you interested in this Pinkerton Puzzler.
The seconds ticked by and no one spoke. But Adam knew there were men in the room; he could hear them breathing and smell their sweat mingling with the smoky scents.
A sharp prick of pain above his left nipple almost made him reach out to punch the closest person. He forcibly stopped any reaction. Just as he had told Marilla—no reaction to the unexpected.
“Do you feel anything?” a new voice asked.
“Yes,” Adam said, hoping against hope that he would say the right thing.
“What was it?”
“A torture.” The liquid warmth of his blood trailed down his chest.
A low murmur of approval rippled through the room. Someone took his right hand and led him forward.
“Mr. Adam Smith, as no man can become a Knight unless he is free, and of mature age…” The voice droned on and Adam answered as best he could.
He did.
The rituals went on for hours. The blindfold stayed on. Adam kneeled and stood when told, answered questions and parroted vows.
“I solemnly promise that I will not write those secrets…hidden mysteries…prevent disclosure by my unworthiness…”
Men shifted and moved through the room. He was given wine to drink, laced with some underlying taste.
“…Violation, I understand, requires the penalty of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by the root...” he recited.
More drink. Kneel. Stand. Darkness. Smoke.
“…So help me, God,” he repeated.
No faces. No friends.
I hope you liked it. Here are some links in case you did.
Purchase Adam’s Treasure from Amazon
Purchase Adam’s Treasure from Barnes and Noble
Purchase Adam’s Treasure (ebook) from The Wild Rose Press
Purchase Adam’s Treasure (print) from The Wild Rose Press
Have a great weekend!
1 comment:
Congratulations, Diane! Three cheers from the Maryland Romance Writers!
Sharon Buchbinder
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