Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Taking A Moment To Introduce Myself

I’m Darcy Lundeen, a romance writer, and I’m feeling totally psyched (okay, and just a little nervous, too) because my first novel, "Finding You Again," will be released in digital form in January by The Wild Rose Press.

I’m just checking in to say hello, and because I love my cover, I also can’t resist posting it.  It was created by Kim Mendoza, an obviously magnificent artist who I think brilliantly captured the giddy romantic sensation of reconnecting with a past love.

Lastly, I want to wish everyone a safe, happy and blessed Thanksgiving with the people you love.



teresa said...

How exciting, Darcy! Great cover! I'n new, too. I look forward to getting to know more roses.

Darcy said...

Hi, Teresa

So sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Recently, I find that I'm late for everything, so I hope you forgive me. But I do appreciate you're taking the time to say hello. The TWRP roses are a wonderful group of writers and, even more important, are just a lovely group of women (well, mainly women, though I do think there may be a man or two in the mix). They've been marvelous in helping a clueless person like me maneuver through the totally new thicket of publishing. Again, my considerable apology for the delay in answering you, and my great thanks for your welcome.
