I brooded and indulged in a lot of negative
self-talk. What the heck’s wrong with
you? Yikes! After eight books are you out of juice?
I forced myself to write. As the saying goes,
you can’t edit a blank page. When it took me an hour to write two sentences, I
knew it wasn’t working. This was followed by . . .
More brooding.
I tried writing in long hand, a technique that
sometimes works for me. Not this time.
I comforted myself with junk food which, in
turn, led me to . . .
The Solution. Concerned about putting on weight
from the aforementioned junk food, I hit the elliptical machine at our local
fitness club. Something about the music feeding directly into my brain via ear
buds, mindless repetition as I sweated and pedaled, plus the oxygenated blood
surging through my body did the trick.
Remember my term, “vague idea of the plot line?” I realized I
was a little too vague. I was writing romantic suspense, for Pete’s sake! I had
a spunky little heroine named Mel. I had a sexy Harley-Davidson riding
ex-Marine named Billy. I had dead bodies, nasty villains, stolen babies and
human trafficking. Way too many moving parts for an author flying by the seat
of her pants. I needed details. I needed more characters. I needed more plot
details. OMG, was I becoming a plotter? Were my pantser days over?
Happily, I was soon back on track after taking some time to
answer the obvious questions. Who? What? Why? Where? When? Part plotter, part
pantser. It works for me. And, if it happens again, I know how to get through
Eat junk food.
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