For Kayden Claremont, my paranormal erotica pen name, she found a picture of the universe that I loved then she added a gorgeous hunk on the right hand side. She chose a different font and added my logline ‘A glimpse into the steamy supernatural’. Thus my branding was born.
I hadn’t really spent much time thinking about me as a brand, but I really liked what she had created for me.
Marilyn used the same picture on my Facebook, and Twitter to strengthen my branding.
Then on my About Page she installed my picture and biography. On my Books Page she installed the cover of Hell’s Bounty, release October 10, 2014 from The Wild Rose Press, and she made sure my contact information was there as well. I had never bothered with these two pages,but Marilyn insisted they be done properly so that if a reader wanted to find out more information about me they could find it easily.
We decided that my romantic suspense pen name, Karen Blake-Hall, needed to look suspenseful so she found a picture of a park at night, then added my logline, ‘Where Sizzling Romance and Thrill Suspense Collide’. She added a slightly different biography to the About Page then added the two anthologies that I have short stories in on the Books Page.
My blogs are linked to my Facebook and Twitter so the post is broadcast throughout all of my social media.
I’m an introvert and really I don’t want to be promoting myself, but you have to put some personal information out there for readers to identify with. She taught me there is a difference between being personal and being personable. I’m gluten-free and when I post about food, my numbers increase. Why? Even if you’re not gluten-free you know someone who is and it’s nice to find a different recipe to try.
Share your hobbies, your favorite TV shows and movies. Share what you love and your readers will love them too. Have contests, quizzes and don’t forget things that bring you joy in your life might bring joy to your readers lives too.
Now, am I a master of the blogging universe? Not really, but I can now use blogs efficiently to connect with like-minded readers.
Please visit Kayden Claremont at:
Blog: http://kaydenclaremont.wordpress.com/
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/kayden.claremont
Hell's Bounty Available Oct 10!
To Purchase
1 comment:
Thanks for your kind words, Karen (Kayden). Be sure to review your book trailer, too. :)
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