Hello Everyone:
Just a small blog to acquaint you with my writing
and background.
Once Upon A Duke was conceived in 2007,
reviewed in 2010 and rested in a drawer for a long time. When I decided that
before I left the planet I wanted to be published, I made a determination I
would hone my craft and not just write for the pleasure. That took about three
years of attending seminars, webinars, conferences, joining Author
organizations, more online classes than I could imagine, a local critique
group, to name a few to become the proverbial sponge that sopped up everything.
My debut novel, Book One of the Duke Series went
through a naming process and as I reviewed the cases of edits, I would change
the title. One night I woke up and there was this vision of the book and the
title, Once Upon A Duke, in color I
might add. I am a visual person and I need my props around my desk, computer,
on the walls of my office. I discovered that Vistaprint offered posters and I
uploaded my graphics and depended on them to help me when I got stuck. I got
the large size and my husband made me easels to fit.
When I joined the Yosemite Romance Writers, a RWA
Chapter in Fresno, California, I was in awe of the talented members, some of
whom were already published and some who were almost there. I felt like a bumpkin
and took note of everything. This group had a generosity of spirit and went out
of their way to answer a question for me.
I’m also fortunate that my husband who used to read
only mystery, thrillers, and the like for many years would not read what I
wrote. When he saw my dedication, he asked how he could help me. I informed him
that he’d have to start reading Romance books. The expression on his face with
a priceless moment—as if I asked him to go take a dip in the cold Polar ocean.
However, I did give him books, Nora Roberts and as J.D. Robb, Mary Balogh,
Julia Quinn, Sarah MacLean, to mention just a very few. Gone were the thrillers
and now he reads voraciously. He encouraged me along the way when a rejection
would come in, and I’m fortunate that when I felt my novel was ready, I
submitted it. Got two rejections and both houses were constructive in their
observations. One editor encouraged me
with her comments, and so I resubmitted, got rejected with merits, and the
third time was a charm.
For those of you who remember what it is to get the
notice that you’re being offered a contract, the euphoria is unexplainable. I
was at the computer, two dogs at my side, writing. Stopped to read an e mail
and I screamed. The dogs got upset because they didn’t know what was going on.
I jumped up and down, twirled, ran through the house like a banshee. The editor
was Cindy Davis to whom I’ll always be grateful for seeing a spark in my
As of the moment, Once Upon A Duke, was released in July 2015. My Divinely Decadent Duke, Book Two, will be released January 29,
2016, and the Rosette mini novella prequel Book Three, Thorn, Son of a Duke, is scheduled for March 9, 2016. The fourth
book has not as yet been contracted since I’m rushing to finish it, Book Four, The Duke’s Magnificent Bastard. Book
Five has a long story about it, entitled One
Night With A Duke.
While Regency Historicals are my love, I also have
contemporary works completed waiting for my polishing.
One of the awesome side effects of getting published
was that my husband and I discuss characterization, plots, turns, twists, and
sometimes the discussions are hot and heavy, but it has enriched our long
marriage in ways we couldn’t have imagined.

We were shopping, not looking for anything in
particular, and he came across a picture, on sale, and he mentioned the woman’s
dress reminded him of the Regency Period. He bought it for me and viola….our
master bedroom which was originally Greco-Roman was transformed into a Regency.
Take a peek at the pictures. I hope you enjoy them. Our lives have been
changed and the standard joke is: Write, Write, Write, but quit at four o’clock
so we can talk and have our gin and tonics together. If ever you’re in the
foothills of the Sierras, give us a jingle and come on over.
My next blog will be about tattoos and all you’ll
never need to know again.
From a humble beginning in Newark, NJ, a short stay at a convent in Morristown, NJ, to the board rooms of NYC to the ballrooms of the Regency period, to the rural foothills of the Sierras of Yosemite National Park, Sandra Masters has always traveled with pen and notebook. She left her corporate world behind and never looked back. Writer of sizzling Regency romance. Spicy Sensual Seduction with Swagger.
Nothing she expected, but everything she dreamed.
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