I think one of our tools, as a writer, should be a special work space. Do you have an extra room? Even, if its all you have, a large closet will serve. Somewhere you can call you own, a space that will, I promise you, become a creative oasis. Where no one enters except by invitation.
And it can change from day to day. I have interviewed many authors and they write on the beach, a coffee shop, on the train, in a lonely cabin in the mountains.

I've always had the luxury of a spare room to call my studio. On my walls I am surrounded by my own water color work, framed letters from my publisher, photos of theatre productions. In one corner is my desk and a comfortable chair. My desktop computer has the place of honor as I do all my writing there. I simply can't write long hand as I cannot write fast enough when the spirit is on me! I type seventy five words a minute and sometimes that's too slow….
I tend to write in my head, until it threatens to explode, then move to my keyboard
More from my twice weekly blog>>
Trisha Sugarek, Author, Playwright, Poet, & Blogger
Visit: www.writeratplay.com
'The Taste of Murder', Book 5: The World of Murder
NOW AVAILABLE!! The Creative Writer's Journal
I love your artwork. I have a dedicated space, too--it's where I write AND sew, so it's a particularly happy place.
I love how bright your space is. I have an enclosed back porch with windows all around. I just painted it orange.
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