Okay I confess this is shameless promotion of Shelter In Seattle! I am thrilled that it is coming out today in paper back. I am so thrilled that I'm willing to give away one lucky reader a free copy. So if you are feeling lucky, comment on this blog mention you'd like a copy of this book and I'll ask my editor to pick a number from 0to however many comments we get. If you are the commenter with that number, I'll make sure you get a copy of Shelter In Seattle. Be sure and put your email address in the comments.
Is that as clear as mud? I'm an author... normally I write better then this. LOL
Ok... Go to the comments on this post, I've left a sample of what I want you to do.
I'd love a copy of this book. Please enter me in this contest. My email address is rgib2001@yahoo.com Thanks!!
I want a copy, I want a copy! Please please? LOL!
Feel free to shamelessly promote any book! :)
A really cool contest. Here is my email
Have a great one!
I think this is a great way to promote your work. Please enter me in your contest and good luck.
Love the cover. If I could be sheltered in Seattle in a cabin like that, I would! There's nothing wrong with shameless self promotion. We all have to do it eventually. ;) And may Santa help you with your sales! Skhye
I would love a copy of your book.
Big congrats on the release!
Pick me, pick me. Did you say free?
Either way, best of luck on your release.
Ooooh. Pick me (waves hand frantically). I love White Rose books.
Teri Wilson ~ Romancing the pet lover's soul
I'd love a copy - I love contests. my addie is jerporich@gmail.com.
Would love to be in the contest for this book!! Thanks bunches! I love reading new to me authors!
tbranxiety @ yahoo . com
I'd love a copy of this book. It sounds and looks really good. Please put me in the contest.
Happy Holidays and congrats!
Definitely count me in for a chance to win. I'd love to read this book. Congratulations on it's print release!
Me too please count me in
Hi Rhonda,
Please enter me in the contest. :) Annette [at] annetteirby [dot] com
I love your cover and can't wait to read this. Please enter me in the contest.
I would really like to win one of Rhond's books. I do enjoy reading her books.
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