Thursday, January 31, 2008
Choices Available NOW!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Bonbons & Truffles Releases Today!

Timeless Blue is Now Available!

Yay! I'm so jazzed to announce that Timeless Blue is now available from The Wild Rose Press. It's a short and sweet little love story with a touch of spice and a little bit of time travel thrown in. So short you can probably read it on your lunch break. Hint hint! ;-)
I've teamed up with Coffee Time Romance for the month of February to host a goodie contest where you can win some books and some Timeless Blue promo goods. I'll be posting more information in the coming days on my myspace page:
So if you haven't added me yet, please feel free to send me an add request!
I love giving good stuff out to readers so be sure to keep an eye open for details on the contest because I'd hate for folks to miss out.
In the meantime check out Timeless Blue. My hero was inspired by a certain soap actor that I was recently introduced to. Viewers may recognize this fella if they're big superhero fans!

No other actor exuded such a confidence and self-assurance that matched the hero of my story Jordan Brentwood.
Renee Carlson was a little different. I saw her having a quiet strength with a fear to open her heart up to just anyone. She puts on a tough girl routine but ultimately, like most of us gals, she would love to be swept off her feet.
Senait Ashenafi who is best known as General Hospital's Keesha Ward was not only one of the gals in mind for Renee but the one who stood out the most.

I hope you enjoy the journey of Jordan and Renee as much as I've enjoyed writing it.
Until then,
Happy reading!
Adrianna R.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Still Floating in Publishing Limbo
Neil Sullivan, a construction worker, has finally met her match in Gibland Winnfred the Third. He wants her to build his house, and she can’t say no. This is her chance to leave the past behind her and the secrets buried there. Neil must ignore the attraction between them in order to keep a promise she made to her deceased father. It’s not as easy as she thought, especially when her pride refuses to ignore the innocuous bets he throws out as bait. The one thing she fails to realize is Gib never loses and now he wants to win her heart.
And if that's not incentive enough:
But the great news is I'll be out of Publishing Limbo February 15, 2008. I mean, really, if you'd just rather buy it I won't complain. Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Sweetheart Tree

The Sweetheart Tree is released today! I'm thrilled. Isn't the cover beautiful?
Here's a quick excerpt:
She decided to test just how much of an imagination a nineteen century soldier could handle that evening in front of a warm, brush-screened fire. After seeing no sign of Sheridan or Custer, they were in a cheery mood, swapping tales they’d all heard a dozen or more times, though Bree was enchanted by them. Del would love being here.
“Sabrina, my lass,” Kern called. “You must tell us a tale from Montrose.”
“Well. All right.” She settled in, took a calming breath. Do or die. “A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far…”
Caleb stared at her across the fire as she spun her story. Green eyes alight with mischief, she had his men enthralled. It was an impossible tale of carriages that flew among the stars.
He shifted uneasily against the tree he leaned upon, while his thoughts strayed uncomfortably. She wasn’t who she claimed to be. That much was certain. She’d recounted her story of being separated from her family too precisely. Nor was she a very convincing liar. Yes, she was lost. She was worried about her kin. That much was true. Anyone with half a brain could see that clearly in her open features.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Love ER? Grey's Anatomy? Romances that make you laugh and sigh? Then you'll want to stay tuned. I'm new to The Wild Rose Press Garden. My book, THE DOCTOR'S DECEPTION, is a future Champagne Line release. While my website is under construction, I wanted to keep everyone current on my book's progress. I'll be posting information on my blog "Keeping A Pulse On Life & Romance" at
Also, there will be tidbits on health, writing, and author interviews. As I get closer to a release date, I'll post contest information. Excerpts from my books can be found on my myspace:
Hope you stop by.
Kathleen Grieve
Friday, January 18, 2008
Night Owl Romance - Reviewer's Top Pick!

Thursday, January 17, 2008
That's exactly what I experienced early this morning while preparing my weekly blog entry for Sweeter Romantic Notions Authors. (Just scroll down if you don't see "guilty Pleasures" at the top of the page.)
I stumbled upon a Fallen Angel Review of one of my Wild Rose Press Champagne rosettes that I'd never seen . Thanks for the kind words, Shaley!
Forever Love
Jessica starts life out with a wonderful plan and ends up having some bumps and bruises along the way. Having met Colt at a young age, her life moves at a much faster rate than she expected and forever changes her life. If Colt wasn’t a big enough factor in changing the course of her life, the hurricane that comes along sure does. Will Jessica regret getting herself stranded by a hurricane or from taking a chance?Forever Love takes the reader full circle through one situation in Jessica’s life to another with her having to make some difficult decisions along the way. Jessica finds herself in a place she doesn’t want to be and her decision to make a change is one that this reader feels every parent can understand. The delightful couple that helps her in her time of need is a couple that will break any reader’s heart. Forever Love is not a love story from the very first page instead it is one that has a very realistic quality about it in some places. Susanne Rose has taken a subject that doesn’t scream happy ever after and spun it into a moving story upon conclusion. 4 Angels! Reviewed by: Shayley
May the Muse be kind!!
Susanne Rose "Lucki In Love," a Wild Rose Press Champagne Rosette "The Christmas Promise," a Wild Rose Press Champagne RosetteKeep the spirit of the holidays going strong and take advantage of this bonus offer: Just send an e-mail to the author: with "The Christmas Promise" in the Subject Line. You'll have to read the story first so you can identify the secret recipe when you send your e-mail. Santa will send you a copy of the secret recipe.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Cathy's Angel - Recommended Read!

Until next time....Be BLESSED!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!"
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Rock the Vote!

Yep, it's me, pimpin my book for the ECataromance awards. You can vote for "Love In Shadow" in the categories of favorite ebook romance, best fantasy/sci-fi/futuristic ebook romance, or best first ebook romance (or all three). If you liked "Love In Shadow," please consider voting! Thanks!

Monday, January 14, 2008
Yowser, I've been tagged!
Tagged! It's a bit like that game of chase when you were a kid. You feel that touch on the back and your heart sinks cuz now you know you have to be IT. In this case, being IT isn't so bad. Thanks to Chris Columbus, I got tagged today.
Since I was working on this tagging post anyway, I posted it here as well because we have so many wonderful new writers to The Wild Rose Press. I stay so busy I don't get out and about as much as I used to. I hope this helps us to start getting better acquainted.
In accordance to the rules of tagging, I'm to tell 7 things about myself that you might not know. Here's my list of 7:
1. I’m shy. You probably can’t tell because I enjoy internet marketing, but in real life, I run out of things to say astronomically fast. (That’s why I R a writer)
2. My husband hates going to the movies with me because I talk back to the screen. We rent movies and view them at home now; sometimes he fusses at the characters who do stupid stuff too.
3. I teach yoga twice a week. This is a recent development, and it came along much like my accidental newspaper reporter career. I’m letting serendipity guide me in my choice of careers these days.
4. I have 3 sisters and I’m the baby girl. But my brother is the true youngster of the family. That leaves me 4th of 5 children, a person without a clear path, someone who meanders through life. Are we starting to see a pattern yet?
5. I think of myself as calm and placid, but I’m actually a fire sign (Sagittarius) and I get quite riled up by injustice. Lately I’m on the warpath against my neighbor with his four hunting dogs penned up underneath my bedroom window.
6. My feet grew when I had kids. Other parts of me grew too, but I try not to look down because it’s discouraging.
7. When I was growing up my friends dubbed me the fudge queen because that’s the only food I knew how to cook. When I got engaged my best friend threw me a recipe party so my husband wouldn’t have to eat fudge at every meal.
Okay, that's 7 personal things about me. Hopefully you already know that I've authored two romantic suspenses for The Wild Rose Press. House of Lies was my debut release and No Second Chance is out now in digital format. Speaking of NSC, I just got word that it received cover of the week over at Erin Aislinn's website. I'm happy dancing today!
Stop by my website and read more about me!
danger ... romance ... mystery
consolidated blog at
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Timeless Blue - Love across all boundaries and time

I think it's finally hit me that I have a short fiction piece coming out with The Wild Rose Press! I recently got my release date for my miniature rose entitled Timeless Blue: January 30th. And I'm sharing the good news with the world!
You can see my beautiful book cover over there to the left. The artist Nicola Martinez did an excellent job of showcasing the setting of the novel in the exotic, picturesque U.S. Virgin Islands in the backdrop.
Here's a little taste of what the story is all about:
While vacationing in the Caribbean one summer, Jordan Brentwood meets Renee Carlson, a woman who is instantly captivated by him yet keeps her heart heavily guarded. Jordan isn't used to chasing after what he wants, but something about Renee intrigues him.
Once Jordan realizes that Renee is his one and only love, he suddenly loses her in a car accident that changes his life forever. He falls back into his old womanizing habits, lasting until he is an aged man in his 70's. Technology has progressed and time travel is now possible thanks to a prosperous new corporation. Jordan is given the ability to find and save Renee, the woman he met on a beautiful paradise island in the Caribbean, while finally taking control of his future from under his proud father.
But can the past truly be changed?
Jordan grabbed the sides of Renee’s bare arms. “Look,” he said softly, looking into her eyes. “It is my business who I date and wish to spend time with. Not theirs. They don’t dictate who I date and they sure don’t dictate who I fall in love with.”
Renee’s eyes widened.
Jordan quickly removed his hands from her sides. Whoa, tiger. Where’d that come from?
“Hypothetically speaking, of course,” he said quickly. He watched her gaze return to the ocean as she wrapped her arms around her body.
“I just want to be careful.” Jordan took a deep breath as he continued. He watched her, studying her eyes which appeared to be deep in thought. If her thick wavy hair was away from her face, he could see her silhouette against the warm sunset.
He loved the way her forehead wrinkled in thought. The way she could just lose herself in the moment. He wanted to touch her. Even more so, he wanted to kiss her. Feeling a sign go off inside of him, Jordan slowly reached out to her. He slid his hand against her shoulders and smiled as he noticed Renee close her eyes. She was so soft. He wanted to bury himself in the nape of her neck and remain there forever. But for now, this would have to do.
Slowly he moved up to her cheek where she leaned onto his hand and he bent down to kiss her.
Jordan felt that first thrill he loved so much in a kiss. But this was more. Oh, so much more. The soft, floral and feminine scent of her skin claimed the sensitive nerves of his nose. He moved to allow his mouth to intimately caress her full lips. He took his time, and only when he felt her lips open to allow his tongue entrance into her did he slip his hand over her waist to pull her close.
Renee responded by wrapping her arms around his neck as the kiss grew deeper. Their tongues explored one another. They breathed in each other’s scent and Jordan felt the blood immediately run from his head as he hardened within his slacks.
A moan escaped Renee’s mouth, then Jordan’s, before she pushed him away. Her hand slipped over her mouth as she realized their actions.
“Renee, what is it?”
“I...oh, my...” She held up her hands as she shivered. “You’ve got to leave.”
“What? Why?”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. You need to get out of here, Jordan. I’m serious.” Her voice was low yet firm.
Jordan quietly grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair and wrapped it around her shoulders.
“If you need me,” he said softly, “I’m at the Villa de Rossi near the Hilton in town. There’s no gate or anything, so you can just come up and knock. I should be here until Friday. I’m sorry if I offended you and I hope we can see each other again before I leave.”
Renee said nothing as she stared at the ocean.
Reluctantly, Jordan turned on his heels and exited the patio. It wasn’t until she heard the door close that she finally released the tears she’d been fighting.
If you're on myspace, feel free to add me!
Timeless Blue is Coming January 30th to The Wild Rose Press!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Don't Fence Me In -- The Book Trailer!
And for those of you who don't know, Allie does this for other folks, too. Just ask her about it!
I had a million and one laughs while writing this book, and my hope is that the fun will pass right along to you. My heroine, Lucy Brocklehurst is a confident, well-adjusted, fun-loving person—at least she was until I started writing her story and throwing darts at her love life. I had more fun putting her in socially awkward situations than any writer should be allowed, and I’d do it all again!
If you need a laugh or a little pick-me-up, Table for One is a fun place to start!
Back cover blurb:
Successful stockbroker Lucy Brocklehurst hasn't had a date in four years. In a town where the ratio of single women to men is 7:1, she's determined to wait on God for the perfect mate—as long as it's the hot new youth pastor at her church.
Lucy will do anything to get his attention, including volunteering for the youth group. Through a series of misadventures on the teen outings, Lucy finds herself falling in love with a kindhearted chaperone named Edgar Flowers. But when their relationship grows serious, Lucy discovers the lengths his recently-widowed mother will go to in order to keep them apart. What starts out as harmless interference turns into an all out tug of war, with Edgar as the prize!
Will Lucy crumble under the scrutiny of her would-be mother-in-law? Or can Lucy and Edgar's budding romance survive the schemes of his meddling mom?
Me here again:
I want to give a special thanks to Nicola Martinez for being so patient and kind as she walked me through my first book, and being a wonderful editor! Also, thanks to Kimberlee Mendoza for the beautiful cover! A book really is a team effort, and I believe we have all the best players right here in The Garden!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Story features horse rescue farm

“Where are they?”
“They’re in here somewhere.”
Devlin trailed after Hope and her dog, swatting at the leafy obstacles in his way. There was enough starlight for him to make out his hand in front of his face. Thoughts of Hope’s warm soft bed surfaced. Along with that flash of thigh. “Why don’t you whistle them up?”
“I would, if I’d lost a pack of dogs.” She paused. “Shhh. I hear something.”
He listened. Cornstalks rustled all around him in the gentle night breeze. He didn’t hear hooves clopping, but Hope inched forward.
It occurred to him someone owned this property, someone who most likely owned a shotgun.
“Won’t this farmer be upset by the horses trampling his corn?”
“Shhh.” She stopped him with a palm to his chest. “Wait here.”
The shape of her warm hand seared through his thin shirt, branding him with her touch. His pulse quickened, and he reached to cover her hand, but it was long gone.
A faint trace of her herbal shampoo lingered in the chilly air. She’d vanished in the darkness.
Great. Just great. How the hell would he find her? He was tired and sleepy. He couldn’t afford to spend the entire night chasing after runaways. He wanted a soft warm bed – and Hope.
With those thoughts in mind, he headed off to find her, shaking the grain bucket as he walked. “Here, horsey. Come eat the nice grain.”
To his right, a ghostly white horse lifted its head out of the corn and snorted. He watched in dismay as the horse ran from him. He swore out loud.
Hope appeared and wrenched the bucket from his hand. “Nice going there, Ace. Noel’s probably halfway across the corn field by now. Remind me not to bring you next time.”
He charged after her. “Next time? How often does this happen?”
She vibrated with anger. “Often enough that George Main will be over in the morning demanding to be paid for his damaged crop. My horses shouldn’t have gotten out. Last time a horse got out, the catch on a snap hook failed. Since then, I’ve replaced every snap hook on the farm. This was no accident. Someone did this on purpose.”
He believed her. “We’ll call the cops when we get back.”
“These horses didn’t deserve to be frightened like this.” She hurled the words over her shoulder.
“I’m supposed to be giving them a second chance, not putting them in harm’s way.”
His mouth tightened. If this incident was related to his company’s troubles, he had a prime suspect in mind. His cousin. If not for his mother’s protectiveness of Ray, Devlin would’ve fired Ray long ago. “Don’t worry. The cops will figure it out.”
He glanced from the towering stalks to the few littering the ground next to him. “The horses may have caused minimal damage, but that’s all.”
“What you don’t understand, city boy, is that farmers live on a slim margin. In a lean year, a five percent crop loss can mean the difference between making it or not.”
His teeth ground together. He had a Masters Degree in Business Administration. He’d cut his teeth on profit and loss margins. “I admit to being a glorified bean counter. I don’t know much about farming, but I can fix this. I’ll call George Main and square things with him tomorrow.”
“You do that.” Moments later, she stopped. Shadowy outlines of horses appeared in the faint grayness ahead. She tugged on his arm. “Sit down,” she whispered.
He sat. This strange experience kept getting stranger. “What are we doing now?” he whispered back.
“Pretending we aren’t interested in the horses.”
His annoyance spiked when the dog nudged in between him and Hope. “Why are we out here if not to catch the horses?”
“This will work. Trust me.”
He was running low on trust and long on suspicion. What had he gotten himself into? His thin shirt didn’t keep the chill of the night away. An idea formed in his head. It was reckless, but he had nothing to lose.
He crawled over the dog and scooted behind Hope, her warmth and herbal fragrance heating him up faster than a lightning strike.
She craned her neck around to look at him. “What are you doing?”
“I’m taking consolation where I can get it. It’s cold out here. Sharing body heat is a time-honored tradition for keeping warm.”
“Oh, for goodness sake. Why didn’t you stay in the truck?”
“Because I wanted to help. And I didn’t want you wandering around alone at night.”
She stiffened. “You think I can’t handle this?”
This was not his night. “From what I’ve seen, you can handle anything. My point was safety related. If something goes wrong, this way there’s a backup person to get help.”
“Why didn’t you say so in the first place?”
He tamped down his irritation as she leaned into him. Her alluring fragrance filled his lungs, clouding his thoughts. He’d sure like to kiss her. He nuzzled her silky hair.
Maggie Toussaint
No Second Chance, ISBN 9781601541628
ebook: Buy it from The Wild Rose Press or Buy it from Fictionwise
see the trailer at
Sunday, January 06, 2008
A dream is a wish your heart makes.
I keep checking my little space out on the Wild Rose Press website to make sure I really am one of the authors on there. That is really nifty! My blog is When I figure out how the heck to get a website started, I'm sure I'll have one of those babies, too. Hello, to all of you cool people. I am thrilled to be here!
Saturday, January 05, 2008

Hello, Everyone! Happy New Year!
I'm not sure when my Faery Rose miniature, Unique Transformation, will be released, but I wanted to give you a brief excerpt from it. Will update you when I know more.
Have a great, successful, and prosperous new year, everyone!
Karla Dawson
He watched her for a long time from his crouched position behind a thick array of dense bushes. His scales blended well, so no one was aware of his presence, least of all the female human lying beside the cement water hole. She was scantily dressed, lying on her stomach on a long, brightly colored piece of cloth. Her eyes were closed, but the expression on her tanned face gave evidence of her contentment. Clearly, humans enjoyed the feel of warm sunshine against them, as did his own people. Already he could envision the female basking naked beside him on a large, smooth slab of nemana rock, a slate-like material prevalent in many areas of the tuberous mountains near his home.
A voice calling from the large dwelling in the distance stirred the human. Slowly lifting her head at the second page, she squinted in that direction. A moment later, she groaned and pushed herself up from the towel she had been laying on. She peered around to make certain she was alone before sitting back on her haunches to tuck her large breasts back inside her bikini top. She carefully retied its straps behind her neck. After a few adjustments, she seemed satisfied. Then, standing, she grabbed her towel and shook the dirt off it before grabbing her romance novel and empty glass from the patio furniture. At the third page, she reluctantly turned and proceeded towards the large, white house, angrily snatching up her cd player from the table on the way.
“Coming!” she yelled. “I’m coming.”
Then she gave a curious glance at the odd item she spied lying on the table, a queer bracelet made of three distinctly colored metals of unusual texture and design. Intertwined with some tiny green leaves and purple flowers shining with luminosity, it was the most lovely piece of jewelry she had ever seen. Carefully, she picked it up to examine it more closely, wondering at its origins and how it came to be resting there on the table. At another irritating page, Christine grimaced and stomped off, still holding the bracelet protectively in her hand as she did so.
The alien, for indeed he was, eyed the scene with a mixture of interest and disappointment. Granted, he was curious about the female, but he was unwilling yet to admit to his secret attraction for her. Compared to many of the female humans he had previously observed while on her planet, he found this one to be of exceptional beauty, even to one of his race. He wished she hadn’t been called away when she had for he had only just worked up the nerve to make his presence there known, although he knew she might be frightened at sight of him. Still, he felt so strongly drawn to this female that he knew he must do or say something at some point in an effort to establish a relationship with her.
He smirked at what his own men would say if they were to learn how long he had observed the female without making contact. Their sovereign had never shown cowardice before, they would say, so why now? Shaking his brownish-green head, he turned and slowly made his way back to his ship, which was hidden in the valley, among the desert sands, glad that he had at least dared to gently, soundlessly toss his gift for her onto the table before she left. As he sneaked away, he pressed the button on his wrist device, quickly vanishing from sight.
Friday, January 04, 2008
New Crimson rose

Hello everyone,
I'm delighted Never My Love, my sensual romantic suspense set in Lake Placid and Upstate, NY, will be a 2008 Crimson Rose ebook. For a sneak peak, check out my website, You'll discover my chocolatier heroine, has a secret more dangerous than her love of Hershey's chocolate kisses, and my hero has some secrets of his own. And for more information about me, check out my blog at Love and Peace, Susan

Have you noticed that as soon as the Christmas trees disappear rows and rows of heart-shaped boxes suddenly line the grocery store shelves?
That's right, folks! Valentine's Day is right around the corner. What better way to celebrate the holiday than with a cuddly puppy, a debonair man and a box of chocolate? My Sweetheart Rosette, Bonbons & Truffles, is a special Valentine story coming soon from The Wild Rose Press.
Bonbons & Truffles tells the story of Melody Sweet, a lonely girl who has a special way with choclolate. On Valentine's Day she acquires both a precious new puppy and a mysterious secret admirer. Can Melody and her puppy, Bonbon, solve the mystery of who is leaving flowers and dog biscuits on their doorstep?
Bonbons & Truffles is perfect for anyone who loves a sweet romance, puppies or chocolate. It is also great for anyone who has had to spend St. Valentine's Day alone. There's hope for all of us!The cover was recently released and features Bonbon the puppy front and center. Isn't she adorable? I dare you to take a peek and not say AWWWWW.
Come visit me at to learn more about Bonbon, Melody and the mystery man!
Hugs and kisses, Teri
Publishing Limbo
I'm Melissa Blue and I just received the best news today; my book How Much You Want to Bet? will be released on February 15th, 2008. I'm so you ask, what's with the title?
Technically I'm still an unpublished author.
I have a cover. I have the final, final copy of my book. I have a release date. The technicality is my book isn't out yet. Semantics, I know, but there you have it. Right now I'm still in the fuzzy state of unpubbed and pubbed author. (What most would call the gray area.) I started this book almost two years ago. It's gone through many changes, but now I'm done. No more revisions. No more adding a little here or there. No more polishing.
And now it's ready to go out in that big unknown world called publication. Can you smell the fear laced with excitement.
So let me stop dawdling and start promoting. Let me introduce Neil and Gib:
She straightened, knowing, just knowing, he
was about to back out. Her lips curved into a smile.
“Want to make one last speech? Go ahead.”
The bar quieted, every motion stilled, waiting.
The tension in Neil’s shoulders built as Gib
rounded the sea of green to her. His gait, slow and
sure, exuded the confidence of a man who had
traveled this particular path many times before.
Naive of her, but Neil wasn’t wary of the grin. He
always grinned.
“Wanted to give you a good-luck charm before
you win.”
She laughed and put out her hand. He
grabbed it and like a backwards sucker punch
pulled her to his lips. Those lips turned hot as they
moved over hers. The taunting quip fell from her
mind. There was no way to think beyond his mouth
on hers. He nipped at the corners of her mouth and
Neil forgot she was in a smoky bar full of her
neighbors and coworkers. It had been close to a
year since she’d let a man touch her. The hard
body pressed against hers was not that of someone
she disliked but that of a man, and she, a woman,
was more than willing to take the passion offered.
Neil fisted her hands in his hair. More. More.
More. More. The word sounded like a chant in her
head as his taste teased. She needed more. Their
tongues mated, hers darting in and out, lapping at
the spicy tendrils that clung to the taste of him—
beer, peanuts, and temptation. The thought flitted
through her head, the only one able to seep
through, that there was more to this man than
starched white business shirts. Neil was on the
edge of a moan when she felt the corners of his
mouth lift.
Then he damned her in one breath. “Good
Okay, what have we learned here? That there is such a thing called Publishing Limbo. Also this wonderful book will be available the day after Valentine's Day, Feb. 15.
Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Dragon is Loose

Click to buy
Gavriel Dimitrios, the dragon of Croatia, is loose and with vengeance on his mind. Stubborn Callie Stewart, the woman responsible for his release from the ancient stone tablet may be too cozy with the smugglers Gavriel has vowed to capture. She becomes entangled in a web of supernatural intrigue when she stumbles over an ancient stone tablet and unleashes the dragon of Croatia, who appears every 100 years to aid the island’s inhabitants in their fight against smugglers to protect their heritage. He came to her in a dark cave, a dragon within a man-strength and power define his features.
Their shared passion and deceit has the Adriatic Sea at a boiling point as they delve into caves and race across islands, into the very heart of danger.
You can read an excerpt here.
Hey. . . Want to win a copy of this story?
Just join up over at the The Wild Rose Press discussion group and starting Sunday, January 6th, I’ll be the Guest Moderator--hosting that week. All you have to do is respond to any of the posts at anytime during that week to enter. I'll do a drawing next Monday, January 14th, from everyone who joins the discussion during that week.
And just like Marianne Arkins did for her exciting contest for
DON"T FENCE ME IN . . . which is released this week also!!! If you already have my story, ‘cause you didn’t want to wait 'til my moderating week to happen, LOL --
I'll buy you your choice of miniature rose or rosette from
The Wild Rose Press instead!
Good luck and look forward to 'seeing' you next week!
BTW. . . Thanks goes to Rae Monet for the great cover art
Valerie Everhart
Don't tickle the dragon if you can't take the heat
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
New Release Today: Don't Fence Me In

It's June, 1953 and Lizzie Scott recently lost her brother, Seb, in the Korean War. When his friend and unit buddy, Jeremy McMasters, brings her Seb's "goodbye" letter, little does she know her life is about to change forever.
You can read an excerpt here.
Want to win a copy of this, or any of my other stories? Just join up over at the LASR discussion group and respond to my post to enter. I'll do a drawing next Wednesday, January 9th. If you already have all of my stories (and why wouldn't you?) -- I'll buy you your choice of minature rose or rosette from The Wild Rose Press instead!
Good luck!