Check out this story to read one woman's determination to achieve her goal of having a family.

“A pregnancy plan?” Derek’s words came from directly behind her. She could feel his breath on her neck, his eyes boring into her back.
“Yes, a plan on how to get pregnant.” The frustration and anger began to build within her. Jillian gathered her shaking hands around her cup and willed them to be still. “Look, Derek, I don’t mean to sound rude, but it really is none of your business what I do. I’m not involved with Jason.”
She saw his unwillingness to cooperate by the slight narrowing of his eyes. “You can rest assured that I am not going to break up your brother, Jason and Kelly.” Jillian glanced back out the window and took a sip from her drink. “And my plan is none of your concern.”
She jumped when she felt Derek’s hand on her shoulder. “What is it you’re afraid of?”
Jillian turned and pushed past him. She didn’t want nor need his sympathy. Out of space with the door in front of her, she pivoted on the heels of her Nikes. “I’m not afraid of anything. I know what I want and I have come up with a plan to get it.”
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Have an awesome day,
Tina Gayle
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