OMG! A friend sent me this review from The Romance Studio on The Doctor's Deception. I am so excited! Thanks to Brenda Talley for taking the time to read my book. I am so glad you enjoyed it!
The Doctor’s Deception
Kathleen Grieve
Contemporary romance
Available from The Wild Rose Press
ISBN: 1-60154-287-9
June 2008

Ms. Kathleen Grieve has written an interesting, bolding told, story about a one-track cardiologist and a nurse determined to enter medical school. She has taken the two strong personalities and proved that opposites, or not so opposites, could attract the other. The two were constantly supported by other characters, but their relationship took center stage.
The outcome of, and circumstances for, this relationship were believable and interesting. The way this story ended is unusual. The plot was well written; the storyline compelling. I highly recommend this story to all who love a great story with a happily ever after.
Overall rating: 4 1/2 hearts out of 5
Sensuality rating: Very sensual
Reviewer: Brenda Talley
August 12, 2008
THE DOCTOR'S DECEPTION IS AVAILABLE NOW! You can go to www.amazon.com or www.thewildrosepress.com to purchase your copy!
Take Care,
Kathleen Grieve
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