far back as I can remember my family had a real visit from Santa Clause every
Christmas Eve. My aunt, uncle, and
cousins would come over and after an elegant meal, we were sent to a back
bedroom to await Santa’s visit. They
told us he could not come if little children were watching him. Hence—the bedroom waiting period.
voices could be heard and traditionally one of the older kids would read us Twas the Night Before Christmas while we
waited. With sizzling excitement we
screamed, sang, and hollered through the reading of that classic story. The preteen saddled with the arduous task of babysitting
had to calm us down by constantly reminding that Santa would not arrive if we
didn’t behave.
the shouts of adults welcoming Santa traveled down the hallway. Ho Ho Ho and two mighty boot stomps held us in
breathless anticipation. Suddenly, the
voices cheered and shouted “Goodbye Santa!” just before we ran free. Presents abounded across the shag rug and
almost reached the sliding glass door on the opposite wall.

you Uncle Kenny for making one of my most cherished memories from childhood and
I look forward to doing the same for the next generation.
Oh how I loved your treasured childhood memory, Starra! Happy Holidays!
What a sweet memory to have and carry forward! Thanks for sharing. All the best, Cat
What a delightful story about Santa's footprints. It's amazing how much magic adults can create for children during Christmas. Have a great holiday season.
What a sweet story! Merry Christmas, Starra.
Lovely post. Christmas is magic for children and the adults who are young at heart.
A creative way to handle Santa. A sweet memory. Cheers!
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. A visit from Santa would be so exciting. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas.
What a wonderful memory, Starra. Great family tradition!! Merry Christmas :)
How awesome. I remember something similar happening with my family. My mother would always "know" when the weather was snowy enough in the mountains of Pennsylvania for Santa to come for a visit before Christmas and my eight siblings and I would sit on his lap and tell him what we wanted for Christmas. I never knew as a kid that my own dad and later my uncle was the jolly old elf.
Bless the family who makes Christmas magical for the children. Great post!
Starra, thank you for sharing. What wonder parents, and Uncle Kenny. I hope you do continue the tradition. Happy holidays.
That sounds like a wonderful way to share the magic of Christmas. Thanks for sharing.
wow what a wonderful tradition. You had very creative parents/family. What a fun way to wait for Santa! Thank you so much for sharing!
A very lovely memory! I love the footprints in the ashes. A sweet short story
So much love here. These are the memories we live for.
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