Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Welcome Linda Griffin to our Garden Interviews

Hello Linda

Have you ever cried while writing a book? 

All the time! Especially with The Rebound Effect.

When did you decide to become an author? 

As soon as I figured out that somebody had to create the words I was reading. I wanted to be a “book maker” when I grew up, which I thought meant forming the little printed letters by hand. My older sister instructed me in the proper method: Gaze thoughtfully into space, scribble a few words, repeat. With that improved technique, I wrote my first story, “Judy and the Fairies,” when I was six, with a plot borrowed from a “Nancy and Sluggo” comic book.

Do you have trouble saying goodbye to characters?  

Rarely. Most of the time they are finished with me before I am finished with them. I’ve written one sequel, mostly because it was the only way I could stop rewriting the ending of the first one.

Did you have to research forensic science or criminal psychology for your latest suspense? 

I did research on police procedure, DNA technology, and related matters for Guilty Knowledge. A particularly useful source was Police Procedure & Investigation: A Guide for Writers, by Lee Lofland. I’m a retired reference librarian, so I love research.

When you wrote this book, did you have an idea of how it would end at the beginning?  

Not with this one. Sometimes I do, but except for assuming the mystery would be solved, I was pretty much at the mercy of the characters.

Now lets get personal

If you were going to commit the perfect murder, how would you go about it? 

I was once voted most likely to commit the perfect crime, but I’m not sure a perfect murder is possible. Murder is messy. One important thing is to do it alone, without any accomplices. Nobody can betray you if you don’t trust anyone with your secrets. Make it look like an accident or natural causes so that you will never be a suspect.

What is your favorite drink? 

Swiss Miss Indulgent Collection Dark Chocolate hot chocolate.

What makes you cry?  

Everything! Songs, TV commercials, sad movies, happy endings. I’m particularly partial to mother and child reunions.

What is your favorite time of year and why?  

I love rain, so anywhere from early autumn to April showers.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would be the most essential for you?  

Books, chocolate, and somebody who knew how to cook.

Where can we find out more?

and other online retailers

Photo by Laurens Antoine


Laura Strickland said...

Interesting interview! I'd love to read your first story!

CB Clark said...

Great interview, Linda! Your book sounds like a great read.

Barbara Bettis said...

Loved getting to know you better, Linda! I do have trouble saying goodbye to my characters, though. I even hated it when my long-running villain had to finally meet his end. I did enjoy writing his scenes :) Continued best of luck with your books!

Tena Stetler said...

Enjoyed getting to know you better. Saying goodbye to characters is always hard. Best of luck!

GiniRifkin said...

Hi Linda: Nice to meet you. I'm with you on leaving character. I give them a happy ending and then they are on their own. LOL on what makes you cry.